Shaq Fu RPG
#1 17-05-2012, 14:42:19 PM
- Last Edit: 09-07-2012, 10:21:41 AM
In 2002--an organization named the Shaq Fu Alliance was born. Some say they were spawned via the immaculate grace of Shaq himself. Others contend that they were merely an offshoot of Gamefaqs' LUE board circa late 2001. Raids were performed. Jokes were told. A subculture was born.

On day 15 of March 2002, Shaq asked a boon of his faithful--that a game be made in his image. A game *was* made. However, it was a shoddy mess hastily compiled by a confused adolescent. It wasn't very good, but Shaq still deemed it worthy of bearing his name. Years passed and his faithful grew old and restless. Many spawned children of their own and went off and did things Shaq did not approve of like obtain business degrees and rent apartments. His warriors traded their zeal of battle for the comforts of peace. Kobe built and trained his army with the most blackened of fists while the SFA faded into obscurity.

On day 15 of May 2012, a relic of that bygone age was rediscovered by its creator. The Shaq Fu RPG lives:

EDIT: Alright, I was drunk when I uploaded the previous "fixed" version. All the fixed version did was add two more fist jokes and didn't actually fix any problems. Here is the REAL version--ignore all of the other versions floating around out there. There are bugs that will prevent you from completing the game. It is also about 10X easier.

I'm "working" (more like sitting on my ass) full-time now so I no longer have the time to support the first game. The second game is still being worked on everyday, however.  That one will be completed.

If anyone has any questions or problems, I can be reached at:

EDIT: Too much info. I'd hate for an employer to find this glorious, politically correct game.

#2 17-05-2012, 18:43:42 PM
Alright, it's done. I'm going to do a play-through before I upload what I have to ensure that everything is working properly. Is there any interest in this? Someone requested that I post it in another thread so I created this post. I figured that this was a more appropriate sub-forum.

EDIT: If there is interest, I could go ahead and finish the game after I upload what I have since I only need to create Kobe's Ranch and the ending.

#3 17-05-2012, 19:41:23 PM
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THERE IS INTEREST.  There is MUCH interest.

big rigs is great and i want to suck his cock

"Yeah, let’s bring back the Attitude Era…so we can see Shawn Michael’s anus while they shill toys." -RD Reynolds
Z. Mann Zilla
#4 17-05-2012, 20:22:09 PM
I'll download Wine again JUST SO I CAN PLAY IT.
And if it doesn't work, I'll download it on windows.

Shaq-Fu RPG is worth it.
#5 17-05-2012, 21:35:52 PM
Creating the game-disk now. I will have an upload link within the next hour. For those who played it before: you might want to start over. I changed a lot of things including some of the story so it makes a little bit of sense. It is also much easier now (though still hard compared to modern games). Don't worry--the tone is still the same.

#6 17-05-2012, 21:44:34 PM
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#7 17-05-2012, 22:06:48 PM
- Last Edit: 17-05-2012, 22:24:56 PM

Let me know if there are any problems, guys. Also, suggestions, ideas, and help with future artwork would really help the final game shape up to become something awesome. Do you want Stellar Stone in the game? Should Shaq and his fearless (and sometimes clothed) companion Michael ride a big rig atop Fistling Mountain to face Kobe for his passage back home and the souls of the Second World? Since I only need to create two more areas (max) and the endings, this will be happening I assure you. I *will* not vanish for a decade this time.

Also, file-factory named the file "shaq," so just name it "shaq.rar" and it should let you extract it. Have fun shaqing off!

Edit: Ignore the stupid disclaimer at the beginning of the game. That was for the IRL people that I sent this game to. I forgot to take it out.

#8 18-05-2012, 07:01:38 AM

Let me know if there are any problems, guys. Also, suggestions, ideas, and help with future artwork would really help the final game shape up to become something awesome. Do you want Stellar Stone in the game? Should Shaq and his fearless (and sometimes clothed) companion Michael ride a big rig atop Fistling Mountain to face Kobe for his passage back home and the souls of the Second World? Since I only need to create two more areas (max) and the endings, this will be happening I assure you. I *will* not vanish for a decade this time.

Also, file-factory named the file "shaq," so just name it "shaq.rar" and it should let you extract it. Have fun shaqing off!

Edit: Ignore the stupid disclaimer at the beginning of the game. That was for the IRL people that I sent this game to. I forgot to take it out.
First of all, let me just say :winner: and I applaud you for trying to keep the SFA alive! I was shocked and awed when I saw your post, and I couldn't believe an old Shaqist would return so soon. Anyways, I have a few suggestsions:
  • For the final battle, have Shaq escape from the castle where he battle CJayC, go to the pier where your boat usually is, and meet Supez so you can fly up to Fist Mountain for the final battle.
  • Try using music from SF itself rather than MIDIs. This is easy to do: just export a WAV in Audacity, move it to the "Music" folder, and re-name the extension from .wav to .mid
  • Add the SS and GameMill logos to the title screen


#9 18-05-2012, 08:42:25 AM
- Last Edit: 18-05-2012, 09:23:03 AM
Shaq Fu Music (and his glorious rap songs) would be a great idea. You're right; now that I am finally playing through this game again I realize that the music and graphics are horribly outdated. It was acceptable a decade ago, but it's almost intolerable to listen to and play through now. Also, I'm thinking of updating a lot of the old dialog so there is an actual coherent story instead of a slew of inside jokes.

I'm still going to keep the Kees in the game, but will probably update the face/battle sprites instead of drawing everything in MS-Paint. Years ago, I actually found several pictures of TT Ray on his old livejournal. He was dressing up as Chrono from the Squaresoft game that shares its name which explains the context of the dialog Shaq has with him. However, it would be a little too cruel to use his actual picture (not that I still have it anyway), so I'll probably just photoshop a random person's head onto a Chrono picture. Still not really sure about what I'm going to do here.

Supez is a great idea. Does you know where I could find a suitable sprite that would work with RM2000? Looking back, I really should have at least made this game in RMXP so I could have utilized Ruby scripting and a higher resolution.

EDIT: On second thought, I think I'll leave the current story as-is. I think the incoherence is part of the charm of it.

#10 18-05-2012, 09:30:14 AM
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I have experience with spriting and I'd be happy to help with this project :thumbsup:

#11 18-05-2012, 10:04:34 AM
I have experience with spriting and I'd be happy to help with this project :thumbsup:

That would be incredible. If you could create a Barney the Dinosaur and Stellar Stone sprite, that would help tremendously. I'll be sure to give you credit. Unfortunately, Rm2k restricts me to using 256 colors and .png files only. Here is a template that may make things a bit easier:

Also, I remember Circus starting a Big Rigs RPG at once point and he posted sprites of all of the rigs. If he still had those, I could add them because I already had a plan for them years ago. I was actually going to implement it before I stopped working on the SFRPG (with his permission of course).

#12 18-05-2012, 16:29:34 PM
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I never had proper sprites for the rigs unfortunately.

I can host the RPG on this server if you'd like.

#13 18-05-2012, 16:43:55 PM
This game has me so excited.
Most hype pre-release of all time.
#14 18-05-2012, 20:28:45 PM
- Last Edit: 19-05-2012, 13:10:06 PM
Game is done now. All I have to do is create the ending (good karma Shaq + bad karma Shaq endings). Also, I did a serious play-through and found a bunch of random story events that didn't even make sense to me. They were probably left over from previous scrapped versions due to someone requesting that I include X and Y person. Also, I rebalanced all of the battles and removed those annoying respawning enemies in the caves/dungeons. They die after one battle now.

EDIT 2: I just received sprites for Barney (thank you DZ), so I need to modify the final battle and the ending. It'll reveal the truth about the SFA--as it relates both to the game and what actually happened at Gfaqs. I changed the story a little bit; Stellar Stone will play an integral part in the ending and the entire premise of the game instead of being a controllable character. Well, he *is* one of the characters in a way.

Sorry for the slight delay; this game has been a long time coming and I want to make sure it's worth a play-through. It's just so difficult to work with RPG Maker 2000 due to its limitations. There are so many things I want to do that I'm just not able to.

#15 19-05-2012, 20:48:52 PM
- Last Edit: 19-05-2012, 21:00:53 PM
It is done. I am doing one more final play-though to ensure everything is up to my standards. I think everyone will like this; it has something for all: Rigists, Shaqinites, and Messengers of the Purple One. Everyone here has been awesome. Thanks for having me and supporting the game. This literally wouldn't have been possible without all of you. Why finish a game when no one felt like playing it? You all changed that.

Oh, and I should also mention that everything after TT Ray contains 0% Shaqinite cult references and actually attempts to pull everything together into a coherent story-line. It's still no Barkley, but what RPGM2K game is?

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