Should Obama legalize marijuana and free music?
#1 23-09-2012, 19:43:24 PM

#2 23-09-2012, 19:53:24 PM
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hell yeah

#3 23-09-2012, 20:17:39 PM
It's going to be a long time before legalizing marijuana is a stance that won't result in political suicide

#4 23-09-2012, 20:26:58 PM
What about free music, movies, and ebookz?

#5 23-09-2012, 20:59:20 PM
One word bro 420

#6 23-09-2012, 21:05:50 PM
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What about free music, movies, and ebookz?

That will be whenever jumping the gates at Cedar Point or stealing a couch become legal. As in, never.

#7 24-09-2012, 05:29:22 AM
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I think our generation mostly agrees that it should be legalized.
We'll just have to wait until all the old fetchs die then we'll be in charge and we can legalize it.

I think music, movies, and ebooks should be free, or at least reduced in price.
Yesterday I wanted to buy the new Katy Perry Documentary on Google Play, fetching $20 to buy the HD version

btw, you can get a free episode of "Guys with kids" on Google Play right now
Stupid show, but a step in the right direction being free

#8 24-09-2012, 06:26:09 AM
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$41.07 for an eBook? wow guess I'll never learn java

#9 24-09-2012, 10:17:36 AM
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Either that or potsmokers need to put the pipe down long enough to vote.

big rigs is great and i want to suck his cock

"Yeah, let’s bring back the Attitude Era…so we can see Shawn Michael’s anus while they shill toys." -RD Reynolds
Z. Mann Zilla
#10 24-09-2012, 10:28:31 AM
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the president that legalizes marijuana is the president that gets a second term due to all of the pot smokers that register just to vote for him

#11 24-09-2012, 14:25:14 PM
I never have and never will vote. It is a waste of time. Your vote is insignificant. Statistically, it will change nothing.  If your candidate wins and he turns out to be a stinker, you are accountable. Voting is for nerds dorks and gooks. Plain and simple.

#12 24-09-2012, 17:08:07 PM
then you don't vote and nothing changes and when you inevitably bitch and moan about how things are and it comes out that you didn't vote then you get the inevitable response of "well then what right do you have to complain, HUH MISTER?!?!?!" it's like you can't win either way!

(county board people tend to be cool people if you get to know them i've found, 420 participate local politics that have actual daily effects upon your life erryday)

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