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Topics - Klayotic
Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5
# 31
Social/Off-Topic / Hi again guys!
26-11-2009, 13:03:58 PM
What another beautiful and illustrious day to be walking in the halls of this wondrous forum and even now I'm still not done with naming all the pictures I've took in taiwan and japan.
# 32
well any comments or questions?
# 33
or Canada (for those who live in Canada)? List some.
# 34

# 35
He says this is your last unicorning warning and that he has contacted the GWLS to inflict some serious punishment on your asses.

Update - I just found it was actually Unknown283 that brought to you this message, not RMK.

(Note: I'm just his messenger, I have nothing against you guys, but I'm just doing the guy a favor that's all)
# 36
Is it a WINNER show or what? Is anyone here looking forward to season 2?
# 37
rockmankenny (8:39:35 PM): I thank him for changing his background, and that I understand his anger toward me.

He also wishes to apologize to this entire forum for some reason and don't ask me why I'm technically just his proxy -slash- messenger.

The important thing is I hope everyone, regardless of sides, are cool now and had stopped feuding with each other.
# 38
Sometime this week, I'll update my blog once again to give a relatively brief summary about what I have done on my trip. In the meantime, please feel free to ask me anything.
# 39
....tching a plane ride on a 10 day trip to Taiwan and a 7 day trip to Japan! Whoo hoo! I'll see you guys this 21st.

(for those of you who didn't get the joke, I was about to say Canada, but said "catching" instead)
# 40
Social/Off-Topic / a Message from GWLS
01-05-2009, 18:08:09 PM

He has asked via aim to call out these following people:
GuyWhoLikesSpam2 (6:06:14 PM): Edso Worthington, Kevin, Tim and Julian Anderson.
GuyWhoLikesSpam2 (6:06:24 PM): Bernard Bottom (Crysisad2101)
GuyWhoLikesSpam2 (6:06:38 PM): Gustaf Henkel (JCXFX)

and not to mention the law enforcement members:
# 41
((wall of text ahead))

I've been here from AIM and I have to come to say: Seriously, rockmankenny already said that he's spoken to GWLS about hacking this site. I know I'm not supposed to meddle within these affairs, but I can't help but help out a fellow man here with his troubles.

the point is just unicorning LEAVE HIM ALONE! STOP IT! unicorning STOP IT. IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE AND IT'S GETTING REALLY ANNOYING! I don't know what the hell is your deal with him, but you seriously should take down all the vids and photos of him down, cause it's blatantly harassment to internet privacy and nobody wants to have their pics put online without consent and having been made slandered of it for the matter. The fake AIM conversations are not only absolutely uncalled for, but they are an extremely unethical and unreasonable act. I have nothing against you guys in general, but this whole hate and slandering of rockmankenny is just becoming ridiculous and disproportionate to the point where I just pity you guys.

So guys please. If you can stop firebombing rockmankenny like a bunch of uncivilized assholes and think for one minute about what it would be like if you were in his position and you had your photos and vids of yourself put on the internet without consent and being made fun of. Think about it. How would you feel? And just in case you're going to say "Good" or even "Great", then you're only deceiving yourselves hard.

Remember the times from that summer of 2005 to december of 2006 when I had a long and hard flame war with Stcb? I learned a lesson that these type of things are unnecessary and unreasonable if kept up and that my friend is an understatement. The thing is stcb has stopped his rampant invasions and whatnot on me since december 2006 and if he can do it, why can't you guys? I mean what's the worst rmk has ever done to you guys?

This poo poo has been going on far enough since last summer and I think this has to stop or lessen up already. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go.
# 42
Social/Off-Topic / Pokey Means Business!
30-11-2008, 16:31:53 PM


# 43
Social/Off-Topic / Siberia?
18-11-2008, 14:37:18 PM
Here's the map... the map... the map! (Youtubepoop reference)

Isn't the valley below just amazing?

A native Siberian with another explorer

Oh look a forest in Siberia

Miss Asia Siberia (unicorning hot)

Siberian Elm Tree

# 44
I was searching for that ending theme music for Family Guy, but I came across this really funny video:
# 45


have you ever met the Boogeyman before?
No, of course you have'nt, for you're much
too good I'm sure.

Don't you be afraid of him, if he should visit you.
He's a great big coward, so I'll tell you what to do:

here comes the Boogeyman!
Don't let him come too close to you
he'll catch you if he can.
Just pretend, that you're a crocodile,
and you will find that Boogeyman will
run away a mile.

Say Shoo-Shoo,
and stick him with a pin!
Boogeyman will very nearly jump out of his skin.

Say Buzz-Buzz,
just like the wasp that stings,
Boogeyman will think you are an elephant with wings!

here comes the Boogeyman!
Tell him you got soldiers in your bed,
for he will never guess that they are only made of lead.

Say, Hush-Hush!
He'll think that you're asleep.
If you make a lovely snore, away he'll softly creep.

Sing this tune, you children one and all,
Boogeyman will run away, he'll
thinks it's Henry Hall!

When the shadows of the evening
creep across the sky, and your mommy comes
upstairs to sing a lullaby, tell her that
the Boogeyman no longer frightens you,
Uncle Henry very kindly told you
what to do!

here comes the Boogeyman!
Don't let him come too close to you,
he'll catch you if you can.

Just pretend, your teddy bear's a dog!
Then shout out
"Fetch him teddy!"
and he'll hop off like a frog!

Say "Meeeeeow!"
pretend that you're a cat,
he'll will think you may scratch and
that will make him fall down flat.

Just pretend he isn't really there,
you will find that Boogeyman will
vanish in thin air.

Here's One Way,
to catch him withour fail~
just keep a little salt with you and,
put it on his tail!

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