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Messages - MarshalMustache
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 51
# 1
i haven't. have you? maybe I will soon, but I ain't getting caught in the back of a cop car
# 2
Watch your sailor's tongue!
# 3

For starters, how sassy is she?
# 4
Movies, TV, Music, Books / Must watch YouTube
08-08-2014, 07:12:38 AM
Nice fitting music choice in that video, steev!

# 5
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 22:58:23 PM
This makes me thirsty, like I could drink a lake. Too bad I can't swim. Should I learn how to swim this weekend, you guys?
# 6
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 22:49:58 PM
Is that a cummins diesel or a hemi at 00:07?
# 7
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07-08-2014, 22:46:10 PM
But your truck is gay. Sorry. Please take it to the crusher
# 8
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07-08-2014, 22:45:16 PM
I think that sounds romantic
# 9
Yeah, I don't know. IRC is still pretty boring and archaic. Steev please make what ever winnerchat is
# 10
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 22:18:57 PM
Summer super moon this Sunday. Something interesting should happen!
# 11
Hey guys. I didn't do anything and got back from vacation and it works. Told you! All it needed was a nap because it's old/archaic IRC
# 12
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 21:32:44 PM
Those are excellent ideas, JAVIKS. Maybe I'll even play some cricket

Sorry about bringing up the player business. Obviously ZIGS is the player expert here
# 13
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 19:03:54 PM
should I bring my short gym shorts or just regular gym shorts in case we gayly go cycling
# 14
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 19:01:02 PM
Hey Dicemans boyfriend what are you and your boyfriend Diceman going to do this weekend? What do two boyfriends get up to on a weekend?
I would say ear nibbling, but maybe that is too romantic for a boyfriend like Diceman who is also a player.
# 15
Social/Off-Topic / go to the chat
07-08-2014, 15:28:35 PM
does plan B entail doin what she likes?
I bet you my manhood you think you're so clever.
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