08-07-2018, 21:56:52 PM
The purge movies are the best representation of current amerikkka ever put to film.
They are all beautiful and perfect and I love them.
Have you dudes seen them yet?
09-07-2018, 00:23:32 AM
Seen them?
I'm living them...
09-07-2018, 07:08:32 AM
--- Quote from: JAVIKS on 09-07-2018, 00:23:32 AM ---
Seen them?
I'm living them...
--- End quote ---
09-07-2018, 13:20:15 PM
never seen them
09-07-2018, 14:16:07 PM
They're ok.
09-07-2018, 21:10:34 PM
I generally avoid films about people getting brutally murdered for 90 minutes for no reason
11-07-2018, 20:36:30 PM
um it's not for NO reason there's some justification about uh.... crime? I dunno, I haven't seen them
11-07-2018, 21:10:58 PM
There's too much crime, so we should all commit some crimes
17-08-2018, 00:36:42 AM
if you watched them you would understand
17-08-2018, 17:26:24 PM
How many purges do they need
18-08-2018, 00:02:40 AM
18-08-2018, 06:47:25 AM
19-08-2018, 23:08:34 PM
one per year
20-08-2018, 11:59:35 AM
since there's so many of these movies and spinoffs, do they ever go into way too much detail about how it works like other similar series?
20-08-2018, 12:04:28 PM
TV show on the way