Hello, yourewinner.com still needs an app for iOS. Hopefully this quick guide for dummies can get you started!
yourewinner.com uses a slightly modified version of Tapatalk API, which is mostly documented HERE. Tapatalk uses a simple protocol called XML-RPC, which is mostly documented HERE.
Basically it works like this:
1) Send your XML document (via HTTP POST) to http://yourewinner.com/winnerapi/mobiquo.php
2) yourewinner.com will return an XML document containing the data you asked for
3) Parse the XML document in your app
(note there are user-friendly xmlrpc libraries for most languages so you can avoid dealing with the XML completely)
Method: login
Description: Logs you in
Required params: username (base64), password (base64)
Notes: any time the tapatalk docs say type is byte[], that means you have to base64 encode it
--- Code: ---
<?xml version="1.0"?>
--- End code ---
Curl command:
--- Code: ---
curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @login.xml http://yourewinner.com/winnerapi/mobiquo.php
--- End code ---
Python3 (using xmlrpc library)
--- Code: ---
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy, Binary, Error
# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25876503/how-to-retain-cookies-for-xmlrpc-client-in-python-3
client = ServerProxy("http://yourewinner.com/winnerapi/mobiquo.php", CookiesTransport())
def login(username, password):
# base64 encode parameters
username = Binary(username.encode("utf-8"))
password = Binary(password.encode("utf-8"))
resp = client.login(username, password)
return resp["result"]
except Error as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
return False
--- End code ---
Method: get_latest_topic
Description: Returns a list of the latest topics ordered by date
Required params: start_num (int), end_num (int)
Notes: get_latest_topic(0, 9) returns first 10 topics
--- Code: ---
<?xml version="1.0"?>
--- End code ---
Curl command:
--- Code: ---
curl -c cookies.txt -b cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d @get_latest_topic.xml http://yourewinner.com/winnerapi/mobiquo.php
--- End code ---
Python3 (using xmlrpc lib)
--- Code: ---
from xmlrpc.client import ServerProxy, Binary, Error
# see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25876503/how-to-retain-cookies-for-xmlrpc-client-in-python-3
client = ServerProxy("http://yourewinner.com/winnerapi/mobiquo.php", CookiesTransport())
def get_latest_topic(start, end):
resp = client.get_latest_topic(start, end)
# print username and short content
for topic in resp["topics"]:
msg = "{}: {}".format(resp["post_author_name"], resp["short_content")
except Error as e:
print("ERROR:", e)
--- End code ---
Well that is pretty much everything you need to know to start making yourewinner.com app for iOS. Let me know if you have any questions. I am here to help 24/7