2016 Coming of the Lord [Jesus]: Be WINNER and call my friend for me to make him
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Archangel Gabriel Himself
+4591522033 tell him to call me the moment Jesus returns with a 21.0 earthquake in 2016 or the 11.5 earthquake in 2016 hits at my # +4581765294 and he should tell me "amazing, you were right, im very impressed". tell him he will be amazed because i know it will happen. say that i couldnt call, so you are calling for me (my name is Adrian)

YOU'RE almost WINNER !
Won't the earthquake knock out the phone lines tho.........
Archangel Gabriel Himself
most liekly
So you realize what you're asking might be impossible do do....
Archangel Gabriel Himself
then make him visit me the day before
Archangel Gabriel Himself
wherere the forum rules!
Wait a sec, now I'm supposed to guess when the earthquake is gonna happen so I can contact your friend the day before? That's just ludicrous!

--- Quote from: Archangel Gabriel Himself on 18-05-2016, 15:49:56 PM ---
the forum rules!

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the forum does rule
Archangel Gabriel Himself

--- Quote from: ZIGS_ARE_WINNER on 18-05-2016, 15:56:30 PM ---
Wait a sec, now I'm supposed to guess when the earthquake is gonna happen so I can contact your friend the day before? That's just ludicrous!

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I'll make sure that I'M WINNER ! and tell you when there are 40 days left !

Edit: I can do this, since I am angel Gabriel Himself.
Ah finally, something you said that makes sense! Ok, I'll stand by and wait for your warning
Archangel Gabriel Himself, i'm concerned about the message you have in your profile: "2016'll be most WINNER year ever. (not for BROTRR)". 

Why won't 2016 be WINNER for BROTRR?

Archangel Gabriel Himself

--- Quote from: Skrag on 18-05-2016, 16:34:14 PM ---
Archangel Gabriel Himself, i'm concerned about the message you have in your profile: "2016'll be most WINNER year ever. (not for BROTRR)". 

Why won't 2016 be WINNER for BROTRR?

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On second though I think Rigmageddon will indeed arrive in 2016. Not completely sure. I am sure that our world (the earth) will end in 2016 though
Wasn't it supposed to be in 2014?
Archangel Gabriel Himself

--- Quote from: ZIGS_ARE_WINNER on 18-05-2016, 18:19:11 PM ---
Wasn't it supposed to be in 2014?

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--- Quote from: Archangel Gabriel Himself on 18-05-2016, 18:20:33 PM ---

--- Quote from: ZIGS_ARE_WINNER on 18-05-2016, 18:19:11 PM ---
Wasn't it supposed to be in 2014?

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