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Messages - Stcb
# 31
The Pity Card is not allowed in tournament play.
but Charizard is
I win
# 32
can I get that graphed, my TI-89 isn't helping
# 33
I'd call you pathetic but I'm pretty sure you want that
# 34
score with tilt forthcoming
score with tilt forthcoming
# 35
try harder
# 36
pilot G2s are what I use, work fine
# 37
What truly is a topic?
# 38
Social/Off-Topic / Re: ñìîòðåòü îÃëà éà ïîðÃî ñ ýììîé óîòñîÃ
20-09-2009, 01:25:41 AM
20-09-2009, 01:25:41 AM
# 39
BROTRR Discussion / Re: Big Rig's male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species
27-08-2009, 22:28:51 PM
27-08-2009, 22:28:51 PM
I've actually been drunk only 60 times in the past 2 months. I was wasted for this topic creation.
Man, unicorn you you unicorning unicorner. I hate you, and my life, and I never get laid! I also like to post my personal problems all over the internet and don't listen to the advice I'm given.
a wacky and fun-loving guy
# 40
poo poo post
# 41
64 times a day, every day. Supaz 'da 6'4", yo.
# 42
According to the all-knowing Yahtzee the ending to the second one blows and I don't feel like wasting time on some puzzle solving bullpoo poo when I could be killing people directly.
big fan of Yahtzee but he's totally wrong, the final battle sucks but everything else is good
# 43
South Compton
# 44
by the way I just finished watching a couple of episodes of the show via Spike VIDEO ON DEMAND
it's probably the most hilariously nerdy thing I've seen since D&D
it's probably the most hilariously nerdy thing I've seen since D&D
# 45
Got some hot Rig on Rig action for you guys. Watch out, it's NSFW.And who's the loner rig who didn't get rig laid?
Me. I like to watch.
But you are facing the other way.
I'm about to cover them both in Rig-jizz.