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Messages - Stcb
# 16
if you can't figure out how to change your profile you aren't going to last long at this forum
# 17
This is why I bought San Andreas.
# 18
I don't find this entertaining because I am not attracted to unattractive women.
# 19
Shell application released, thousand panic.
# 20
Expected dicks.
Was not disappointed.
Was not disappointed.
# 21
That was hilarious.
# 22
On a 2.35 scale, right?
# 23
Gaming / Re: So I introduced my friend to the world of superior PC gaming today
09-11-2009, 23:25:34 PM
09-11-2009, 23:25:34 PM
If he has Counter-Strike: Source, I recommend CS SCI-FI 3. Scenario-based single-player shooting at its finest.
# 24
>Sleep earlier.
# 25
Thank you so much.
# 26
you look less likely to murder a hooker in that blackfaced picture
# 27

# 28
He may have seven some people and 20 year old guns/ammo and a poo pooty Chinese tank monument, but I have the New York/New Jersey mafia on my side.
I don't get it, which one is better?
# 29
ladder theory 2.0
# 30
I never see it, what is the password?