SCROOGLED by local electronics shop!!!
#16 08-08-2014, 15:55:12 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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  • BrazilianThe NapsterPC Master Race+
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How many people in Brazil have even done that??? That's amazing!

I know only one or two other people who do stuff like this, but I guess they just don't show off their stuff on the internet as much

In other words, they're not attention whores like you :twisted:

#17 09-08-2014, 20:47:02 PM
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How many people in Brazil have even done that??? That's amazing!

I know only one or two other people who do stuff like this, but I guess they just don't show off their stuff on the internet as much

In other words, they're not attention whores like you :twisted:

you're just jealous i can make the z80 do 8bit multiplication

Code: [Select]
ld hl,8000
ld a,(hl)
ld hl,8001
ld b,0
ld c,(hl)
ld hl,0
dec a
add hl,bc
adc hl,bc
dec a
jp nz,0008
ld (8010),hl

lana_chan my name is erin
#18 09-08-2014, 21:00:53 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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  • BrazilianThe NapsterPC Master Race+
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Oh yeah? I can do it as well, I just don't feel like it ok???

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