#1 17-04-2014, 19:48:57 PM
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fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch fetch HOW DID THEY FIND ME #SCROOGLED

#2 17-04-2014, 19:55:17 PM
Tell them you are a gay racist that hates women and you might get disqualified

#3 17-04-2014, 20:27:22 PM
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It says there will be WIFI available so at least I'll be able to discuss the case with you guys

#4 17-04-2014, 20:30:53 PM
I say whoever has the more attractive lawyer wins

#5 17-04-2014, 20:33:43 PM
Do you know what the case is about yet?

#6 17-04-2014, 20:41:52 PM
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Do you know what the case is about yet?


#7 17-04-2014, 20:49:13 PM
You won't actually have to go

Cat Brush
#8 17-04-2014, 20:51:17 PM
Fight the majority to be a dick

#9 17-04-2014, 21:10:35 PM
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You won't actually have to go

Hope not

#10 18-04-2014, 17:09:08 PM
You never know, steev.

#11 30-04-2016, 17:26:46 PM
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ugh jury duty again

How does the government keep getting my address????

Haven't I done enough for my country???

#12 30-04-2016, 17:38:34 PM
I was actually summoned last time and I had to sit in the courthouse for a few hours.  Then the judge came in, gave us a 15 minute speech about how important it was that we all came and that it was because of our presence that the defendant got scared and accepted a plea deal.  I got out of work for the day so I can't complain.

Cat Brush
#13 30-04-2016, 17:45:37 PM
I had to serve on a jury for teen court cases as an assignment for a law class I took in high school. Deciding the fates of other was pretty nifty.

#14 01-05-2016, 01:23:38 AM
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I got summoned last summer but postponed it for this summer since I wasn't going to be home. I'm not going to be home this summer either so I guess if they summon me again I'll do the same thing

#15 01-05-2016, 01:56:59 AM
Whip your dick out and say "Judge THIS"

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