shop item suggestion
#76 31-08-2013, 15:50:42 PM
Can I have 45 million rigcoins?


#77 31-08-2013, 15:52:53 PM
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Steev, can you hook me up with a couple billion rigcoins? Thanks

#78 31-08-2013, 19:17:07 PM
me too

lana_chan my name is erin
bjorno the hedgehog
#79 31-08-2013, 21:24:10 PM
take all my rigcons, give them to the people!!!!!!!!!

 cheers m8
#80 01-09-2013, 10:10:42 AM
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#81 01-09-2013, 10:12:24 AM
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#82 05-09-2013, 13:09:15 PM
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I think I just bought one Spaghetti Hat and one spear, so you can just reimburse me whatever those two items cost.

And I was going to suggest Colander Hat Wednesdays like that old Showbiz Pizza chain had one time, too!

#83 16-04-2014, 17:59:08 PM
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#84 16-04-2014, 18:02:36 PM
an item that lets you ban any person for 12 hours

an item that lets you make 1 change to the website layout

an item that lets you pick 1 banner to always show up instead of random, for 6 or 12 hours

an item that lets you make one news post

lana_chan my name is erin
#85 16-04-2014, 19:42:03 PM
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the last one isn't dumb

we should turn the news thing into user-purchased messages

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#86 16-04-2014, 19:55:12 PM
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News: male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species male reproductive organ used for procreation within a species

#87 16-04-2014, 20:25:14 PM
why not

lana_chan my name is erin
#88 16-04-2014, 21:13:40 PM
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I like user submitted news

But I don't feel like making any shop items so someone else should

#89 16-04-2014, 21:16:25 PM
I like user submitted news

But I don't feel like making any shop items so someone else should

I know my news sucks. I wont buy any so don't be scared.

#90 16-04-2014, 21:25:48 PM
please someone make all of svetlana's suggested items so i have something to spend my 69,000 rigcoins on. Thank you.

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