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Messages - Beer w/Straw
# 16
if i've learned anything during my time on yw, it's that you can't take anyone seriously around here
WTF? This is my education.
# 17
As a favor, can Cirus shoot himself?
# 18
Thunder's the man!
# 19
I would have guessed by showing honesty and compassion, but voted for all anyway.

# 20
that's my granny
# 21
Good recipe achievement cube!
Did I post my smoothie recipe?
Did I post my smoothie recipe?
# 22
Google: profmattstrassler
# 23
A little late, but was browsing for PC components to put together, and came across this:,2817,2430313,00.asp?obref=obnetwork
# 24
wait why are we supporting google...i would be much more comfortable if bjorno used bing or duckduckgo to search our queries...
But we need more advertisements for Tampax!
# 25
Um I really don't get this topic... I mean is bjorno just going to type what we type in googe???? So strange..........................................
Wait. Is using interweb that simple?
# 26
Tampax challenge
# 27
# 28
I don't get into fights.
I'm entitled to punch people in the face, but they're not allowed to punch back. Cause I'm me and they're not.
I'm entitled to punch people in the face, but they're not allowed to punch back. Cause I'm me and they're not.
# 29
I think I've found Jesus.
# 30
sometimes i pee into the shower even when i am not taking a shower
A true athlete.
Always practicing...