I nominate myself for Absolute Worst Member 2012
#1 03-03-2013, 15:07:13 PM
There, at least I'll have an award square, though you can I revoke my right to be a member of this community for that one.

Why race off the road when you can race over it?
#2 03-03-2013, 15:10:53 PM
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WOTR why do you want to be the worst member so bad?
You can't do it, you'll never beat Thunder!

Why don't you go for most improved member 2013?

#3 03-03-2013, 15:12:40 PM
- Last Edit: 03-03-2013, 15:17:56 PM
WOTR why do you want to be the worst member so bad?
You can't do it, you'll never beat Thunder!

Why don't you go for most improved member 2013?

I just want an award square.

Even Thunder has some.

Yeah, and I'll only try for Most Improved 2013 if my RIGcoins get fixed.

Why race off the road when you can race over it?
#4 03-03-2013, 15:23:05 PM
I can't select multiple choices, you clearly are the worst member.   :belair:

#5 03-03-2013, 15:29:13 PM
  • Semi-interesting Human Being
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I nominate myself as Worst Member just to tick WOTR off.

#6 03-03-2013, 15:37:17 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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I can't select multiple choices, you clearly are the worst member.   :belair:

#7 03-03-2013, 15:38:54 PM
  • Guest
Poll deleted,  please remake it and do it right this time!

#8 03-03-2013, 17:04:08 PM
Poll deleted,  please remake it and do it right this time!

fak u

Why race off the road when you can race over it?
#9 03-03-2013, 17:34:09 PM
How should I vote in order to help your self-esteem?

#10 03-03-2013, 17:38:45 PM
How should I vote in order to help your self-esteem?

Ask Cirus to give me an award square.

Why race off the road when you can race over it?
#11 03-03-2013, 17:46:02 PM
  • Guest
WOTR I took away your negative rigcoins.
idk y EJ does those mean things to you

#12 03-03-2013, 18:27:20 PM
I vote wotr for best member again

#13 03-03-2013, 19:21:30 PM
WOTR I took away your negative rigcoins.
idk y EJ does those mean things to you

Now I can start improving!

Grats steev!

Why race off the road when you can race over it?
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