#16 29-08-2013, 10:19:30 AM
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Is there a non-PayPal checkout option?

#17 30-08-2013, 21:37:11 PM
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Hi ZIGS I know you're probably wondering where your Manga is.
Well I'm working on it now I'll hopefully have it up tonight

#18 30-08-2013, 22:15:36 PM
- Last Edit: 30-08-2013, 22:19:04 PM
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Dissident cat girl anime

edit rotated

#19 30-08-2013, 22:17:28 PM
wow 1 euro, this is the 2nd most successful fun-raiser ever!!

#20 30-08-2013, 22:37:43 PM
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Dissident cat girl anime

edit rotated

Wow, the resemblance is uncanny! It's just like I imagined it. Best euro I've ever spend for sure (and there's still one more pic coming)!!

#21 11-09-2013, 20:19:37 PM
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Hi ZIGS I'm sorry your Thunder drawing is taking so long. I've been practicing drawing tentacles but it is harder than it looks, and I don't want to post something unless it is of equal or greater quality than my Dissident drawing above. So sorry for the wait, but let me assure you that it will be worth it!

edit: Also I was wondering if @bjorno would be willing to do thread narrations to raise money for

#22 11-09-2013, 20:55:46 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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It's ok Steev, take your time. Did Michelangelo rush the Sistine Chapel ceiling? No he didn't and look how it turned out. That's what I expect from you Steev, nothing short of a masterpiece the world will admire for ages

#23 11-09-2013, 23:38:10 PM
Once again ZIGS proves he is the only one who cares about the community

#24 11-09-2013, 23:42:12 PM
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I'm really shocked that most of (myself included) are a bunch of freeloaders

Cat Brush
#25 12-09-2013, 00:01:10 AM
As soon as I get a job and pay off tuition I am all over this.

#26 12-09-2013, 08:09:35 AM
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oh yeah

Dissident International Anti-Furry Organization
#27 12-09-2013, 09:45:29 AM
I am giving the site the moral support of hanging around for a million years

#28 12-09-2013, 10:02:13 AM
Holy poo poo Steev you have your work cut out for you now

#29 12-09-2013, 14:34:39 PM
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If I donate FIVE BRITISH POUNDS how much manga can I get

#30 12-09-2013, 14:39:29 PM
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