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Messages - Svetlana
Pages: 1 ... 241 242 [243]
# 3631
Feedback/Help / Re: Make me an administrator.
29-07-2009, 20:09:53 PM

No, seriously, I do. It's a great game.
# 3632
who's ducis
# 3633
Social/Off-Topic / Re: My Progress on BRO
29-07-2009, 19:19:44 PM
I was not fit to do this kind of thing anyways, but I still wish I had credit for making the game! Maybe in a few months I'll release a competing version.


Sweet, you joined the site :belair:

i guess i did :bidoof:
# 3634
Feedback/Help / Re: Make me an administrator.
29-07-2009, 19:16:56 PM
I'm not leaving unless someone gives me a copy of Duke Nukem Forever.

enter the goddamn line like everyone else
# 3635
Social/Off-Topic / Re: My Progress on BRO
29-07-2009, 18:17:50 PM
I was not fit to do this kind of thing anyways, but I still wish I had credit for making the game! Maybe in a few months I'll release a competing version.

# 3636
Feedback/Help / Re: Make me an administrator.
28-07-2009, 23:57:47 PM
all i see is poo poo everywhere

it smells
# 3637
Feedback/Help / Re: Make me an administrator.
28-07-2009, 22:52:33 PM
I'll leave in 3.14 minutes if you d
Pages: 1 ... 241 242 [243]