What should I do for Garmin GPS not working?
From the last three or four weeks, my Garmin GPS device is not working properly. I always use the global positioning technology, while driving. When I am driving the car, suddenly my device does not work. It has made me more irritating and worrying, so I am not able to track the right routes. It is the reason of Update Garmin GPS, so I want to take someone’s help for this concern. I have tried my skills for resolving this issue, but no outcomes are seen there. Anyone can help me on this issue.
Garmin GPS is crap, replace it with an Ultranav
Cat Brush
Just know where you're going all the time without help.

--- Quote from: Cat Brush on 26-02-2020, 17:52:43 PM ---
Just know where you're going all the time without help.

--- End quote ---

Do people still use those devices in FY 2020? Apparently so!
I think their current use case if for when you need very precise directions, but I'm not sure how that compares to the usefulness of Google's real-time data
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