introduce yourself
#1 21-03-2024, 18:58:21 PM

is there a thread to introduce ourselves?

#2 22-03-2024, 12:16:06 PM
this is it

#3 22-03-2024, 14:08:37 PM
i'm maya and i'm studying computer science. i am very much into retro videogames and hardware, particularly the transparent plastic aesthetics. one of my dreams is to have one of the colorful imacs from the 00s.

i discovered this game from an old show called x-play. i could not get it to run on virtualbox.

#4 22-03-2024, 21:52:36 PM
I think a lot of us heard about BROTRR from X-Play, or because of the infamous Gamespot review

#5 24-03-2024, 08:33:09 AM
Nice to meet you.

Cat Brush
#6 26-03-2024, 17:18:42 PM

#7 31-03-2024, 01:56:42 AM
 :belair: :bluerig:

bjorno the hedgehog
#8 08-04-2024, 20:43:18 PM
Retro gaming is a waste of time. Spend your fleeting youth in a better way - like smoking crack

 cheers m8
#9 11-04-2024, 00:09:33 AM
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hello and welcome to my webzone

Classic Meepington
#10 11-04-2024, 15:17:40 PM
Hello welcome to our subreddit. Make sure read the rules on the sidebar or the automod might filter your posts!


(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
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#11 03-05-2024, 13:18:12 PM
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Dissident International Anti-Furry Organization
#12 10-07-2024, 00:50:42 AM
I think a lot of us heard about BROTRR from X-Play, or because of the infamous Gamespot review


Nice to meet you.

thank you. likewise.



:belair: :bluerig:

:belair: :bluerig:

Retro gaming is a waste of time. Spend your fleeting youth in a better way - like smoking crack

crack 😰

hello and welcome to my webzone

i don't understand this

Hello welcome to our subreddit. Make sure read the rules on the sidebar or the automod might filter your posts!


i did not see the rules 😰




#13 12-07-2024, 16:28:58 PM
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Gamefaq message board for the game was how I remember finding out about rigism

"Make your selection now!"
#14 18-08-2024, 18:23:34 PM
  • the ultimate, the muffin man
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I found the wikipedia page (since deleted) for the game and thought it was funny, and there was a link to the IRC server on dynastynet, which I was already on, so I said "fetch it" and joined

I never joined gamefaqs and didn't know there was a forum for a while

Dissident International Anti-Furry Organization
#15 18-08-2024, 19:24:48 PM
  • grrrraaaaaaagggh
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I came free with the forum when cirus hosted it and these people have been stuck with me ever since

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