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Topics - Dissident
Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 12
# 31
Feedback/Help / Item Suggestion
18-08-2012, 17:20:33 PM
Ban Thunder
# 32
ASK OTRR / Indiana vs Illinois
02-07-2012, 03:25:15 AM
Are you terribly familiar with Indiana, and if so how would you say it compares to Illinois?  I didn't get to see much of IL aside from a couple of visits to Chicago, and what I did see I wasn't crazy about.

Also what is your general opinion of Illinois?   Have you had a chance to see much of the rest of the country?
# 33
Social/Off-Topic / ATTN: Ducis
25-06-2012, 16:12:15 PM
stop leaving the chat 5 minutes before I come back and notice you left ;_;
# 34
Movies, TV, Music, Books / cheap DVDs!!!!
18-06-2012, 00:38:46 AM
# 35
Social/Off-Topic / fetch cops threade RELOADED
16-06-2012, 13:35:00 PM
specifically EJ that dirty pig
# 36

I have wanted all of these games (except Amnesia) for ages now.  Got Bastion last Steam sale so I only paid $5 but it's totally worth the extra cost if you don't have it already.
# 37
Feedback/Help / shop suggestion
29-05-2012, 19:39:18 PM

Place some degree of separation between "Buy Now!" and "Who owns this item?"  I don't want to drop 20000 rigcoins again out of minor curiosity.

Also maybe some kind of confirmation dialog for purchases over 10,000 rigcoins or some other arbitrary amount
# 38
All of the finest illegal substances known to man, lovingly concocted in the finest re-purposed uranium centrifuges in Malaysia, are now available to you, the Rigcoin-having public.  Act now before the FBI shuts down YW forever!

For the low, low price of 5000 Rigcoins I may or may not send your an envelope full of a mysterious white powder.  What will it do?  What orifice should it go into?  How many varieties of fast-growing and incurable cancers is it blamed for causing?  These mysteries and more await your investigation as you delve into a world of fun and total release of liability from the vendor and associated entities.

# 39
# 40
Feedback/Help / ZIGS
09-10-2011, 08:43:57 AM
talk about the worst mod ever made here
# 41
Social/Off-Topic / car Stereo
07-10-2011, 20:16:00 PM
I am in the market for a dash receiver after seeing cirus and bjorno's fine items.  Only reason I haven't yet is because I had this idea that they were thousands of dollars and never bothered to investigate until now.  Problem is I am clueless on the matter and internet reviews are sparse and uninformative.  Anyone know anything about car stereo?
# 42
27-09-2011, 23:17:51 PM
whatchu (and the lady) wanna eat this weekend

also saturday or sunday
# 43
Movies, TV, Music, Books / K-Pop
25-09-2011, 19:21:50 PM
Everyone knows the Koreans are dogs, the rightful slaves of the glorious Yamato people but they know pop music and I have found SNSD (Girls Generation for you caucasoids) bearable to listen to thanks to their hideous catchiness.  Other recommendations would be appreciated.

# 44
Gaming / New Counter Strike
12-08-2011, 14:49:16 PM
Global Offensive

who's ready to waste a thousand more hours on this horrible franchise (donut)
# 45
Social/Off-Topic / An Ultimatum
19-07-2011, 22:32:03 PM
Thunder's Demands for Returning.

1. That Z. Girl Zilla admits he does not have a "girlfriend" or child by that "girlfriend" and he is nothing more than an amateur dope-smoking hippie comic book author.

2. That C.I.R.U.S. step down, if only temporarily, from adminship until he becomes a competent enough scripter to meet the complex but feasible demands of's users as the site moves forward.

3. That I receive the full reigns of Big Rigs Online's production (the project I pioneered in the first place) so it can be unicorning finished!

4. That I am allowed to promote my games and various projects and that each user is required to download them or face a ban.
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