The WINNER Archive Project
#31 10-09-2008, 17:06:25 PM
Yeah someone needs to get on that poo poo dawg.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#32 10-09-2008, 21:21:55 PM
BROTRR BIN/CUE coming soon!  It's the original  :stamp: version.  So if anyone want's to make a bin/cue of the newer one let me know.  The book of rigism is included and the NFO let's you know to purchase this game if you truly enjoy it, or supply money in some form.

Oh, and Total Pinball BIN/CUE should be done tomorrow hopefully, and Taxi Racer should be coming soon if this guy pulls through!  Also coming soon (in the next week or so):  Terrawars and Drake 99.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#33 10-09-2008, 21:48:44 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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  • Send Money to ZIGS_ARE_WINNER
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  • BrazilianThe NapsterPC Master Race+
  • "I hate people"
Jut a reminder: anyone who downloads the pirate version of BROTRR must send a large sum of rubles to Mother Russia in order to prevent smiting by Lord Stell Himself :texan:

#34 10-09-2008, 22:19:54 PM
  • *****
  • Posts: 1043
  • Rigcoins: 0.00
  • Send Money to AI-Sim
  • Dirty DoggMoonbeam SunshineBones Fuse Together+
  • "Send me money. I'm poor."
It need more ET

bjorno the hedgehog
#35 10-09-2008, 22:20:51 PM
I have terrawars, I can upload if need be.

 cheers m8
#36 10-09-2008, 22:22:06 PM
Do you own the CD or a RIP?  If it's the CD can you make it in BIN/CUE format?  Let me know if you need help doing it or need a place to upload.  You can always DCC it to me on IRC or send it via an IM client (my contact info is on my profile).

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#37 10-09-2008, 22:22:45 PM
It need more ET

Yeah, I'll dig that out of my A26 ROMs later.  It's so easy to find.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#38 10-09-2008, 22:28:38 PM
- Last Edit: 10-09-2008, 22:31:10 PM
BROTRR Original Pressing is now uploaded.  Be sure to give your support to Ruskies!

Also added E.T.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#39 14-09-2008, 10:41:17 AM
TAXI RACER IS HERE!!!!!  GRAB IT WHILE ITS HOT  :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :roddy: :stamp: :stamp: :stamp: :stamp: :stamp: :belair: :belair: :belair: :bidoof: :bidoof: :bidoof: :bidoof: :shaq: :shaq: :shaq:

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#40 14-09-2008, 10:42:15 AM
Also added Total Pinball 25 BIN/CUE, which has the SAME EXACT MUSIC as MRCS and BROTRR.  lol.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#41 14-09-2008, 13:08:42 PM

#42 14-09-2008, 13:10:32 PM
I hope you're being sarcastic, I've heard nothing but praise on the speed of my domain.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#43 14-09-2008, 13:25:14 PM
Are you serious?  It's working over here.  I can post it to megaupload or something if you guys are really having trouble.  Dunno why you would be though.

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
#44 14-09-2008, 13:39:30 PM
Are you serious?  It's working over here.  I can post it to megaupload or something if you guys are really having trouble.  Dunno why you would be though.

I was being sarcastic. It was done in about 2 minutes.

#45 14-09-2008, 13:43:29 PM

 Sergey, what do you think of my :stamp: gamespot review of BR?

I think you're WINNER !

~Sergey Titov

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Teh Lame Domain
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