This is a really recent exploit that crashes your console.
#1 08-11-2019, 07:38:41 AM
- Last Edit: 18-12-2019, 02:44:52 AM
Hey guys, this is a really recent exploit that crashes your console. It started getting traction two days ago.

The thing people do, is at the start they send messages to all opponents. This message contains data your PS4 doesn’t know how to process (the question mark box). If you get this as notifications OR if you go to your PSN menu, you’re toast. Your game crashes, input doesn’t work, and your PS4 gets into a constant error loop. THIS IS STILL THE SAME AFTER REBOOTING YOUR CONSOLE!!!
9500 isk to usd
The way to fix this is to open up the PSN messages app and to remove the messages. They cause an overflow that your PS4 cannot handle (much like the iPhone message from last year). Then, turn off your your PS4. Boot it up in safe mode. You can do this by holding the power button for 7 seconds, until you hear a 2nd beep from the playstation. Plug your controller in through usb and select the “Rebuild database” option. After this, you can boot your playstation and it works again!

I hope this helps you guys as I thought my console was broken for two days.

#2 10-11-2019, 10:40:31 AM
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what's the point of these recent bots, I don't understand

#3 11-11-2019, 10:56:53 AM
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I'm trying to come up with something and I can't! It's very confusing

#4 12-11-2019, 16:30:39 PM
i found what I presume to be the original message here:

no idea what the point is still, though

#5 12-11-2019, 17:19:50 PM
I crashed my console, halp :(

Cat Brush
#6 12-11-2019, 17:25:02 PM

bjorno the hedgehog
#7 13-11-2019, 01:40:42 AM
I crashed my console into a crowd of protestors

 cheers m8
#8 27-12-2021, 23:06:18 PM
Apparently Dragon Warrior Three speedrunners use a hotplate to heat up their NES console. When the console overheats it generates glitches that speedrunners can exploit to beat the game faster.

#9 28-12-2021, 06:20:48 AM
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I use an air fryer to speedrun NES games. My times are just as good and you don't have to use any oil

#10 28-12-2021, 06:21:14 AM

#11 30-12-2021, 15:20:35 PM
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I guess the hope is that you really need some icelandic krona converted

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#12 30-12-2021, 17:46:39 PM
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Apparently Dragon Warrior Three speedrunners use a hotplate to heat up their NES console. When the console overheats it generates glitches that speedrunners can exploit to beat the game faster.

This rules

#13 15-02-2022, 09:35:38 AM
I just finished watching this speedrunning video. The 007 speedrunning community never ceases to amaze me:

Classic Meepington
#14 17-02-2022, 09:13:07 AM
I just finished watching this speedrunning video. The 007 speedrunning community never ceases to amaze me:

Thanks this returned my virginity to me and helped me connect closer to Y*hweh.

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
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Dissident YOU'RE WINNER!
#15 21-02-2022, 19:59:49 PM
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