is anyone else's body ready for PILLARS OF ETERNITY?
#16 29-03-2015, 15:47:12 PM
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#17 29-03-2015, 17:50:24 PM
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i wouldn't support this game because obsidian left a backer-written transmisogynistic joke in the game

they could've just left it out but decided to be horrible instead
so yeah if you really need to play this game i urge you to pirate it
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lana_chan my name is erin
#18 29-03-2015, 17:58:52 PM
From what I've seen and heard, it's a good game, and I am genuinely interested in buying it.

As for the "transmisogynistic joke," unless I'm mistaken, it would be more homophobic than anything else. A drunk man accidentally went to bed with another man and killed himself as a result. It's not really funny, but I don't see how it's very offensive, either.

#19 29-03-2015, 18:41:22 PM
i wouldn't support this game because obsidian left a backer-written transmisogynistic joke in the game

Why would they let a backer design anything in the game? Like of course it's gonna be terrible.

#20 29-03-2015, 18:55:03 PM
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Here is the "joke" in question:

#21 29-03-2015, 19:47:11 PM
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i wouldn't support this game because obsidian left a backer-written transmisogynistic joke in the game

Why would they let a backer design anything in the game? Like of course it's gonna be terrible.

such is kickstarter mentality

lana_chan my name is erin
bjorno the hedgehog
#22 29-03-2015, 20:05:32 PM
hopefully obsidian will patch it out

 cheers m8
#23 29-03-2015, 20:07:16 PM
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hopefully obsidian will patch it out

i hope the same but i think the damage has been done

not to mention they probably won't because gamergate is a loud angry mob who will defend this mentality with tooth and nail

lana_chan my name is erin
#24 29-03-2015, 20:14:20 PM
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lol he misspelled "lightbringer"

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bjorno the hedgehog
#25 29-03-2015, 20:19:08 PM
if they patch it out and send out an apology acknowledging the harmfulness of attitudes like that and explaining why it is serious and effects people's safety, they could have a possible positive impact on awareness of the issue. But more likely all the idiots who think its not an issue are not going to change their minds or like develop empathy or whatever???

 cheers m8
#26 29-03-2015, 20:52:12 PM
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if they patch it out and send out an apology acknowledging the harmfulness of attitudes like that and explaining why it is serious and effects people's safety, they could have a possible positive impact on awareness of the issue. But more likely all the idiots who think its not an issue are not going to change their minds or like develop empathy or whatever???

Plus they probably won't patch it for the fear of losing their main target audience (and thus, sales), which intersects heavily with GG supporters

lana_chan my name is erin
#27 29-03-2015, 22:08:24 PM
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if they patch it out and send out an apology acknowledging the harmfulness of attitudes like that and explaining why it is serious and effects people's safety, they could have a possible positive impact on awareness of the issue. But more likely all the idiots who think its not an issue are not going to change their minds or like develop empathy or whatever???

Plus they probably won't patch it for the fear of losing their main target audience (and thus, sales), which intersects heavily with GG supporters

You're reaching

#28 29-03-2015, 22:30:23 PM
if they patch it out and send out an apology acknowledging the harmfulness of attitudes like that and explaining why it is serious and effects people's safety, they could have a possible positive impact on awareness of the issue. But more likely all the idiots who think its not an issue are not going to change their minds or like develop empathy or whatever???

Plus they probably won't patch it for the fear of losing their main target audience (and thus, sales), which intersects heavily with GG supporters

You're reaching

You have to reach to win.

#29 29-03-2015, 22:52:23 PM
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if they patch it out and send out an apology acknowledging the harmfulness of attitudes like that and explaining why it is serious and effects people's safety, they could have a possible positive impact on awareness of the issue. But more likely all the idiots who think its not an issue are not going to change their minds or like develop empathy or whatever???

Plus they probably won't patch it for the fear of losing their main target audience (and thus, sales), which intersects heavily with GG supporters

You're reaching

A lot of publishers cave in for sales rather than being decent, I'm just saying what I've already seen happen

lana_chan my name is erin
#30 30-03-2015, 12:43:15 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't miss it if it was removed. If anything, I still see that the joke is at the expense of the drunken idiot who overreacted by killing himself rather than the person he bedded who was either gay(far more likely) or trans.

It does really show that the devs didn't check things carefully though, they should have noticed that this one could offend people, as well as the typo.

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