Roguelike Topic
#1 12-02-2014, 18:01:52 PM
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We have a lot of topics about roguelikes floating around so why not consolidate them here? 

My personal favorite is Tales of Maj'Eyal which can be downloaded for free here or for $7 you can buy it on Steam to support the amazing dev (here).  It's much different than traditional roguelikes in that there is no food to worry about and the default mode is one that gives you a few deaths rather than just one. 

A while back @EJ posted about Sil which is also fantastic but I haven't played it as much. 

#2 12-02-2014, 18:41:13 PM
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It's much different than traditional roguelikes in that there is no food to worry about and the default mode is one that gives you a few deaths rather than just one. 
so it's a rougelike for pussies amirite :bidoof:

#3 12-02-2014, 18:45:37 PM
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No not really

#4 12-02-2014, 19:53:26 PM
Spelunky is like the only roguelike I've ever liked, but it's not like most roguelikes. It's more of a roguelike-like. Like.

#6 12-02-2014, 22:48:15 PM
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Yeah probably

#7 13-02-2014, 12:30:09 PM
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Spelunky is retarded. You look at it and think "wow cool game, exploring underground levels, looking for hidden secrets and loot, sounds great!" and then you realize you CAN'T explore because if you hang around the levels for a while (and I mean a while, not even a long time), this fetching ghost shows up and keeps chasing you. You can't kill it and he kills you in one it. So they basically ruined their own game with a poo poo design decision.
Why they decided it was a good idea to FORCE you to rush through the game is beyond me. Imagine if in Skyrim an invincible NPC appeared if you spent too long in a dungeon/town/etc, forcing you to move on or die

#8 13-02-2014, 13:13:14 PM
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Has anyone played DoomRL?

Looks like it might be fun!!

#9 13-02-2014, 13:40:00 PM
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Wow I don't think I've ever seen ZIGS go on a rant like that before, he REALLY doesn't like spelunky

Steev no!! We should make WinnerRL

#10 13-02-2014, 13:58:52 PM
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Spelunky is retarded. You look at it and think "wow cool game, exploring underground levels, looking for hidden secrets and loot, sounds great!" and then you realize you CAN'T explore because if you hang around the levels for a while (and I mean a while, not even a long time), this fetching ghost shows up and keeps chasing you. You can't kill it and he kills you in one it. So they basically ruined their own game with a poo poo design decision.
Why they decided it was a good idea to FORCE you to rush through the game is beyond me. Imagine if in Skyrim an invincible NPC appeared if you spent too long in a dungeon/town/etc, forcing you to move on or die

yeah I read about the ghost bit, it did put me off as well

#11 13-02-2014, 16:15:24 PM
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Hi guys POWDER is a fun accessible roguelike, IMO.
It was made originally for the Gameboy Advance, but later ported to many other platforms.

Also available on the RPi store:

#12 13-02-2014, 16:41:52 PM
Spelunky is retarded. You look at it and think "wow cool game, exploring underground levels, looking for hidden secrets and loot, sounds great!" and then you realize you CAN'T explore because if you hang around the levels for a while (and I mean a while, not even a long time), this fetching ghost shows up and keeps chasing you. You can't kill it and he kills you in one it. So they basically ruined their own game with a poo poo design decision.
Why they decided it was a good idea to FORCE you to rush through the game is beyond me. Imagine if in Skyrim an invincible NPC appeared if you spent too long in a dungeon/town/etc, forcing you to move on or die

The point of the game is to get as much loot as fast as possible. The levels aren't that big and the game gives you just enough time to explore them before the ghost appears. Also when the ghost passes over gems they turn into diamonds which are worth a lot so there's a risk/reward system to the ghost if you're good enough.

#13 13-02-2014, 18:21:43 PM
Roguelikes that I like:

Dungeons of Dredmor
Rogue Legacy

maybe there are others, I dunno. I am mainstream and boring

bjorno the hedgehog
#14 13-02-2014, 22:02:34 PM
spelunky is great, zigs is retarded.
the ghost appears for a reason, so you have to play fast !!!!!

 cheers m8
#15 13-02-2014, 23:40:05 PM
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Roguelikes that I like:

Dungeons of Dredmor
Rogue Legacy

maybe there are others, I dunno. I am mainstream and boring

Only Dungeons of Dredmor is a roguelike and that's more of a rogueLITE

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