Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord
#31 26-08-2017, 01:49:07 AM
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the world isn't ready for an uncensored zigs

bjorno the hedgehog
#32 28-08-2017, 13:37:27 PM
free speech should have limits

 cheers m8
#33 28-08-2017, 14:54:46 PM
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Zigs should have limits

bjorno the hedgehog
#34 28-08-2017, 15:12:30 PM

 cheers m8
#35 02-07-2018, 22:48:51 PM
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What will come out first, this or Routine?

#36 03-07-2018, 06:46:06 AM
What will come out first, this or Routine?
Despacito 3

#37 04-07-2018, 14:08:37 PM
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I can't be bothered to check, is this game actually still in full-blown development, giving out regular updates to forum-dwellers and the like?

I liked the last one, and wouldn't mind playing this, assuming it's better and there are great sieges etc.  Also assuming it's not been fetching cancelled

Cat Brush
#38 04-07-2018, 14:32:35 PM
Mount & Blade II: Bannerbored

#39 04-07-2018, 17:02:07 PM
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I can't be bothered to check, is this game actually still in full-blown development, giving out regular updates to forum-dwellers and the like?

I liked the last one, and wouldn't mind playing this, assuming it's better and there are great sieges etc.  Also assuming it's not been fetching cancelled

They do dev blogs weekly but there's still a lack of any solid info about how close the game is to completion. The company has a ton of money and they get funded by the Turkish government so that's not a concern. They insist on doing everything inhouse, including things like cloth physics, rather than licensing it.

They're supposed to be showing something at Gamescom.

bjorno the hedgehog
#40 04-07-2018, 20:42:47 PM
Erdogan is spending $6 billion to make it

 cheers m8
#41 06-07-2018, 13:18:14 PM
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The game is an autobiographical experience of what it was like for Erdogan to rise up and conquer Turkey

#42 03-06-2020, 20:44:04 PM
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good to see they're maintaining the "five year old game" aesthetic

those sound effects sound totally not 6 years old

They're placeholders


bjorno the hedgehog
#43 03-06-2020, 22:15:25 PM

Some highlights:
Buying troops no longer occurs on the village menu, but instead by buying them from NPCs.
Better quests that are now based on world status.
Tournaments are balanced now.
Better character development.

It's a short article and is worth reading

none of these happened

 cheers m8
#44 03-06-2020, 23:10:22 PM
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Tournaments are balanced

#45 27-12-2021, 09:12:11 AM
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Thanks to inflation and the terrible state of the Turkish economy, it is now cheaper to get a hair transplant and a boob job in Istanbul than it is to buy a copy of Mount and Blade 2 and a laptop capable of running it at max settings.

I think an Erdogan simulator is also technically feasible. Imagine the thrill and fun that players would experience as they pilot American made F-16s and Israeli made drones and bomb the clitoris clipping, communist Kurds back into the stone age. Then when the UN and NATO get uppity and start complaining about human rights and the Yankees threaten to cut off military aid when the player buys a Russian  surface to air missile system, the player can threaten to destabilize Europe by flooding them with millions of desperate Syrians and Hazaras. Or a quest where the players gets to squash a coup attempt while circling the capital in their private jet. An Erdogan simulator might work well as a grand strategy game.

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