#16 26-03-2015, 12:42:14 PM
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did she die?

#17 26-03-2015, 12:46:34 PM
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SPOILER (hover here to read)
she was the killer

#18 08-04-2015, 18:07:52 PM
- Last Edit: 08-04-2015, 18:29:57 PM
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iZombie question of the day #1:
If Liv ate your brain, what traits would she inherit??

#19 08-04-2015, 18:14:08 PM
- Last Edit: 08-04-2015, 18:21:04 PM
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She would inherit a great love of Linux and coors light and wrestling, she would hate talking to PEOPLE,  she would hate leaving the house..  That would be a pretty good episode honestly

bjorno the hedgehog
#20 08-04-2015, 23:31:15 PM
she would eat a bunch of kraft singles

 cheers m8
#21 08-04-2015, 23:39:30 PM
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Haha that would be funny, just like when Liv ate the brains of a sociopath and started throwing rocks at that one chick in the hole in S01E03

#22 09-04-2015, 16:43:13 PM
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iZombie question of the day #2:
If you got turned into an iZombie, how would you get your brains? Would you get a job at the morgue, rob graves, bash people's heads open while they're alive, or something else?

#23 09-04-2015, 16:58:31 PM
- Last Edit: 09-04-2015, 17:08:27 PM
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Me first I would become a butcher and try eating animal brains to see if it satisfies the craving. If that doesn't work, idk what I'd do.  Pretty scary to think about

#24 12-06-2015, 18:45:49 PM
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Season 1 is over

I highly recommend watching the season finale at least, it was very exciting/badass

also try to spot all the puns on the show

Season 1 review
Review of Major

Amazing show

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