Metroid Prime 3 tomorrow
#1 27-08-2007, 19:06:29 PM
omg lolz 360 fps r bettr i no likey Prime 1 u pla as a gurl and it boring =(  :bidoof:

#2 27-08-2007, 19:13:46 PM
Metroid sucks. Samus should be in a kitchen.

#3 27-08-2007, 19:18:54 PM
omg, metroid prime ius ttly a ripof of halo lol.

bjorno the hedgehog
#4 27-08-2007, 19:56:41 PM
Metriod Prime is a poo pooty boring badly designed game where you do jumping puzzles in first person and backtrack endlessly.

 cheers m8
#5 27-08-2007, 19:59:29 PM
They should just release a 2d version. They are not good fpses.

#6 27-08-2007, 20:10:25 PM
They should just release a 2d version. They are not good fpses.
your face is just not good in general

#7 27-08-2007, 20:44:50 PM
I think the Metroid series is better than Zelda/Mario. I perfer PC/360 titles but this is easier and stuff and more of an adventure.

#8 27-08-2007, 21:09:09 PM
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I'll be getting the game when I get a Wii (next year probably) because I'm a Metroid fanboy :leek:

Dissident International Anti-Furry Organization
#9 27-08-2007, 21:10:34 PM
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This game is already leaked and on bittorrent.

#10 27-08-2007, 21:12:27 PM
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I know a few people who got it the day before it was released.

Dissident International Anti-Furry Organization
#11 27-08-2007, 21:18:41 PM
I heared on Gfaqs that someones uncle who works at nintendo gave him a beta copy 2 weeks before it came out =O
He would take pix but he sayed that his camera broke and he'll have it fixed in a week or 2.

#12 27-08-2007, 23:00:31 PM
I heared on Gfaqs that someones uncle who works at nintendo gave him a beta copy 2 weeks before it came out =O
He would take pix but he sayed that his camera broke and he'll have it fixed in a week or 2.
Sounds promising.

#13 28-08-2007, 21:45:57 PM
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They should just release a 2d version. They are not good fpses.

#14 29-08-2007, 11:32:13 AM
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lol Wii

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