ITT stupid inventions
#1 23-01-2008, 01:34:29 AM

bjorno the hedgehog
#2 23-01-2008, 02:06:15 AM
what the hell is a McDLT?

 cheers m8
#3 23-01-2008, 02:12:10 AM
McDLT: The McDLT (McDonald's Lettuce and Tomato) was sold in a novel form of packaging.[13] The meat and bottom half of the bun was prepared separately from the lettuce, tomato, American cheese, pickles, sauces, and top half of the bun. Both were then packaged into a specially designed two-sided container. The consumer was then expected to finalize preparation of the sandwich by combining the hot and cool sides just prior to eating. The company discontinued the sandwich in 1990 due to the move away from the environmentally unsound styrofoam packaging which was integral to the McDLT "experience". The McDLT is perhaps best remembered for its marketing, which focused on variations of the theme "Keep the hot side hot, and the cool side cool." A 1985 commercial released to market the new sandwich featured a young Jason Alexander.

man i miss those styrofoam boxes.

#4 23-01-2008, 07:43:47 AM

Classic Meepington
#5 23-01-2008, 07:45:19 AM
^At first I was like :bidoof: but then I was like :bidoof: :bidoof:

(\_/) Hi! I'm Bunny ^.^
(^.^) Copy and paste us to your siggy so we can
(")(") achieve WORLD DOMINATION!
Dissident YOU'RE WINNER!
#6 23-01-2008, 09:56:35 AM
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The most stupid invention ever:

The legend of the WINNER trophy:
"One Handle to rule them all, One Handle to find them,
One Handle to bring them all, and in the light bind them, In the land of BROTRR, where the WINNER lie."

"The Lord of the Rigs", Sergey Titov
#7 23-01-2008, 10:57:10 AM
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made me lol

it's as if between 1900 and 1950 people lost the ability to think farther than 5 minutes into the future.

Dissident International Anti-Furry Organization
#8 23-01-2008, 12:07:11 PM

#9 23-01-2008, 12:35:01 PM

#10 23-01-2008, 13:21:29 PM
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 :sslogo: :brbox:

Is what a  :loser: would say.

#11 23-01-2008, 19:10:45 PM
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woah you had me worried for a second

#12 25-08-2014, 21:54:50 PM

#13 25-08-2014, 23:50:15 PM
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@Semi looks like you have some ratings to finish

#14 25-08-2014, 23:51:06 PM
#15 26-08-2014, 09:57:36 AM
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Thanks @steev

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