#1 20-01-2018, 01:02:25 AM
Before I start mining (actually spamming), could this mean any damage to

#2 20-01-2018, 13:53:34 PM
Sample Post 1

#3 20-01-2018, 13:53:43 PM
Sample Post 2

#4 20-01-2018, 13:55:13 PM
Sample Post 1
Sample Post 2
I managed to quote two posts in one post, let's see if this crashes the WINNER APP (if I don't reply it's because it does)

#5 20-01-2018, 13:55:32 PM
Nope, that's not the cause.

bjorno the hedgehog
#6 20-01-2018, 22:45:58 PM
you get more coins per post if the etxt is longer

 cheers m8
#7 21-01-2018, 00:38:11 AM
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you get more coins per post if the etxt is longer

this is true

First, a minor preface paragraph or two in order to illustrate the current stance on weapons of the shooting nature.


In his newest appearance, Shadow the Hedgehog has the ability to wield Earth-Style Fire Arms. These are not "Space Lasers" that are all globby shaped with spots, or GI Joe's "Photon Cannons" that shoot laser-rays that never actually hit anyone (especially not Cobra). They look and act like guns you find here on Earth. Presumably, they also kill and destroy things in much the same fasion.

Fact II:

Most Grown-ups on Earth wig out as soon as they see an Earth-Style fire-arm.

Because guns can be dangerous. They were especially invented for killing humans. There are spacific hunting-animals guns, and harpoon guns for fish. BUT your handguns and your uzis and automatic-weapons were expressly meant for getting rid of humans, or for use in protecting yourself from other armed (with anything) people. These are instantly recognizable for what they are. If improperly used, they're quite destructive.
The problem arises when people start beliving that a PICTURE of a gun is the same thing as a real gun. Rediculous, you say? Not exactly. How can they make the connection that if "Little Bobby" sees a gun drawn on a piece of paper, that it will FORCE him to rush out, obtain the nearest actual gun, and start committing murders with it?

    That is what they're saying, though. That anyone who plays a violent video game, or sees a violent action take place, will be forced to re-create that action in a copy-cat manner. If you observe violence, it makes you do violent acts as if you have no free will.

"Violent Video Games cause anyone who plays them to become violent"

This is what many politicians and other various grownups would have you believe. But every time you hopped General Hawke (GI Joe) across your carpet, did he inspire you to run down to the local pawn shop, grab a wep and eliminate the entire population of your town because he had a gun in his plastic hand?
Not Likely.       
   However, no matter what your stance on the above issue is, it is irrelevent.

What's done is done (the game has been made) and everyone will continue to think whatever they want about it (reading articles does not change the mind of a grownup, or probably anyone else for that matter). The problem is, how is anyone in marketing/licensed goods/etc going to HANDLE it?

Now all of a sudden, Shadow has become this massive taboo. Little kids can no longer be allowed to look at him because he has guns. The game will not be rated "E for Everyone". But what about marketing this thing? Who is the audience for it now? Yes, the dark/light theme adds edginess, and may appeal to an older audience, but will it wreck Shadow as we know him now?
"The game will not be rated "E for Everyone"
Venue 1:
Archic Comics. It has already been stated that Archie will simply refuse to handle the Shadow+Guns issue at all. They'll never show him with a fire-arm, and they'll utterly ignore his entire plot. They have STATED IT. Ignoring and mis-interperating game plots is nothing new for Archie Sonic Comics. Unsurprisingly, they can't handle guns. The worst thing that happens in their comics is probably Reggie making Archie spill his milk at lunch. Therefor, perhaps Archie was NOT the ideal venue for Sonic comics. They can't bend or develop with the times. But back in the 1990's when Archie signed on, who knew?
Either way, Archie Sonic Comics seem to be in a decline, as Sonic X and the more plot-filled games influence the current fans, and take hold of new fans. However, archie comics are the only remaining monthly Sonic-Dedicated media.

Venue 2:
Sonic X the TV show. This is structured with the characters, icons, and items from the games. It strives to keep a reasonable continuity while incorporating game elements, including new additions. (Cream the rabbit, for example, was not in existance during Sonic Adventure 1)
But this show is for ANY Sonic fan to watch. Will they be able to incorperate gun use? Are they willing? And, if they do, will anyone out side of Japan ever get to see it? Do they NEED to incorperate the Shadow side story at all?

Anyone in America already knows that guns are edited out of shows left and right. Yu-Gi-Oh had Pegasus's thugs pointing in a threatening manner with their finger, while everyone runs in horror. Entire episodes would be slashed to the floor if Sonic X dared try it.

Venue 3:
General Merchandising. This includes things like shirts, dolls, action figures, posters etc. What are they going to do with him? Merchandise goes off limits to babies when it has guns in it. The newer American Sonic clothing line is sooooo tiny, it can only be worn if you are a baby, in most cases. In England, the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" were "Teenage Mutant Turtles" because the WORD "Ninja" was TOO VIOLENT. What do you think will happen to guns there?
   So what're they gonna do?
Only time will really tell that, but I don't think Sonic Team was really considering what this move with Shadow would bring to all the OTHER non-game elements. As this site proves, non-games are a much, much larger market than anyone may guess. There are hundreds of unique items, and the site is not yet near complete.

Due to the unusual small size of the Sonic characters some of the guns in the game look super huge or somewhat fake. In a few shots, they were rather 2D.    
         Beware the Stapler.       
Ususally the simplest thing is what ends up occuring. The Sonic community will not fall apart into shambles because of one game. (After all, Sonic Underground didn't tear everything down and it was an affront) Merchandising will continue to be what it is now: Damm near un-find-able in most cases cause no one knows how to market. People will like the game, or call it a gimmicky fluke and keep going. Fans are fans, and Sonic fans tend to be True Blue.

The real questions lie in the media (show/comic/ads) and how they'll handle it, because they will need to. However, it seems to have already served its purpose: Creating a whole lotta contraversy and thus, publicity. Like it or not, you know about it, don't you?

#8 21-01-2018, 13:18:42 PM
you get more coins per post if the etxt is longer

this is true

First, a minor preface paragraph or two in order to illustrate the current stance on weapons of the shooting nature.


In his newest appearance, Shadow the Hedgehog has the ability to wield Earth-Style Fire Arms. These are not "Space Lasers" that are all globby shaped with spots, or GI Joe's "Photon Cannons" that shoot laser-rays that never actually hit anyone (especially not Cobra). They look and act like guns you find here on Earth. Presumably, they also kill and destroy things in much the same fasion.

Fact II:

Most Grown-ups on Earth wig out as soon as they see an Earth-Style fire-arm.

Because guns can be dangerous. They were especially invented for killing humans. There are spacific hunting-animals guns, and harpoon guns for fish. BUT your handguns and your uzis and automatic-weapons were expressly meant for getting rid of humans, or for use in protecting yourself from other armed (with anything) people. These are instantly recognizable for what they are. If improperly used, they're quite destructive.

The problem arises when people start beliving that a PICTURE of a gun is the same thing as a real gun. Rediculous, you say? Not exactly. How can they make the connection that if "Little Bobby" sees a gun drawn on a piece of paper, that it will FORCE him to rush out, obtain the nearest actual gun, and start committing murders with it?

 That is what they're saying, though. That anyone who plays a violent video game, or sees a violent action take place, will be forced to re-create that action in a copy-cat manner. If you observe violence, it makes you do violent acts as if you have no free will.

"Violent Video Games cause anyone who plays them to become violent"

This is what many politicians and other various grownups would have you believe. But every time you hopped General Hawke (GI Joe) across your carpet, did he inspire you to run down to the local pawn shop, grab a wep and eliminate the entire population of your town because he had a gun in his plastic hand?

Not Likely.

However, no matter what your stance on the above issue is, it is irrelevent.

What's done is done (the game has been made) and everyone will continue to think whatever they want about it (reading articles does not change the mind of a grownup, or probably anyone else for that matter). The problem is, how is anyone in marketing/licensed goods/etc going to HANDLE it?

Now all of a sudden, Shadow has become this massive taboo. Little kids can no longer be allowed to look at him because he has guns. The game will not be rated "E for Everyone". But what about marketing this thing? Who is the audience for it now? Yes, the dark/light theme adds edginess, and may appeal to an older audience, but will it wreck Shadow as we know him now?

"The game will not be rated "E for Everyone"

Venue 1:
Archic Comics. It has already been stated that Archie will simply refuse to handle the Shadow+Guns issue at all. They'll never show him with a fire-arm, and they'll utterly ignore his entire plot. They have STATED IT. Ignoring and mis-interperating game plots is nothing new for Archie Sonic Comics. Unsurprisingly, they can't handle guns. The worst thing that happens in their comics is probably Reggie making Archie spill his milk at lunch. Therefor, perhaps Archie was NOT the ideal venue for Sonic comics. They can't bend or develop with the times. But back in the 1990's when Archie signed on, who knew?
Either way, Archie Sonic Comics seem to be in a decline, as Sonic X and the more plot-filled games influence the current fans, and take hold of new fans. However, archie comics are the only remaining monthly Sonic-Dedicated media.

Venue 2:
Sonic X the TV show. This is structured with the characters, icons, and items from the games. It strives to keep a reasonable continuity while incorporating game elements, including new additions. (Cream the rabbit, for example, was not in existance during Sonic Adventure 1)
But this show is for ANY Sonic fan to watch. Will they be able to incorperate gun use? Are they willing? And, if they do, will anyone out side of Japan ever get to see it? Do they NEED to incorperate the Shadow side story at all?

Anyone in America already knows that guns are edited out of shows left and right. Yu-Gi-Oh had Pegasus's thugs pointing in a threatening manner with their finger, while everyone runs in horror. Entire episodes would be slashed to the floor if Sonic X dared try it.

Venue 3:
General Merchandising. This includes things like shirts, dolls, action figures, posters etc. What are they going to do with him? Merchandise goes off limits to babies when it has guns in it. The newer American Sonic clothing line is sooooo tiny, it can only be worn if you are a baby, in most cases. In England, the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" were "Teenage Mutant Turtles" because the WORD "Ninja" was TOO VIOLENT. What do you think will happen to guns there?

So what're they gonna do?
Only time will really tell that, but I don't think Sonic Team was really considering what this move with Shadow would bring to all the OTHER non-game elements. As this site proves, non-games are a much, much larger market than anyone may guess. There are hundreds of unique items, and the site is not yet near complete.

Due to the unusual small size of the Sonic characters some of the guns in the game look super huge or somewhat fake. In a few shots, they were rather 2D.
Beware the Stapler.
Ususally the simplest thing is what ends up occuring. The Sonic community will not fall apart into shambles because of one game. (After all, Sonic Underground didn't tear everything down and it was an affront) Merchandising will continue to be what it is now: Damm near un-find-able in most cases cause no one knows how to market. People will like the game, or call it a gimmicky fluke and keep going. Fans are fans, and Sonic fans tend to be True Blue.

The real questions lie in the media (show/comic/ads) and how they'll handle it, because they will need to. However, it seems to have already served its purpose: Creating a whole lotta contraversy and thus, publicity. Like it or not, you know about it, don't you?
Does it count if I re-post long quotes like this one?

bjorno the hedgehog
#9 29-01-2018, 21:18:27 PM
i think so

 cheers m8
#10 31-01-2018, 01:39:33 AM
you get more coins per post if the etxt is longer

this is true

First, a minor preface paragraph or two in order to illustrate the current stance on weapons of the shooting nature.


In his newest appearance, Shadow the Hedgehog has the ability to wield Earth-Style Fire Arms. These are not "Space Lasers" that are all globby shaped with spots, or GI Joe's "Photon Cannons" that shoot laser-rays that never actually hit anyone (especially not Cobra). They look and act like guns you find here on Earth. Presumably, they also kill and destroy things in much the same fasion.

Fact II:

Most Grown-ups on Earth wig out as soon as they see an Earth-Style fire-arm.

Because guns can be dangerous. They were especially invented for killing humans. There are spacific hunting-animals guns, and harpoon guns for fish. BUT your handguns and your uzis and automatic-weapons were expressly meant for getting rid of humans, or for use in protecting yourself from other armed (with anything) people. These are instantly recognizable for what they are. If improperly used, they're quite destructive.

The problem arises when people start beliving that a PICTURE of a gun is the same thing as a real gun. Rediculous, you say? Not exactly. How can they make the connection that if "Little Bobby" sees a gun drawn on a piece of paper, that it will FORCE him to rush out, obtain the nearest actual gun, and start committing murders with it?

 That is what they're saying, though. That anyone who plays a violent video game, or sees a violent action take place, will be forced to re-create that action in a copy-cat manner. If you observe violence, it makes you do violent acts as if you have no free will.

"Violent Video Games cause anyone who plays them to become violent"

This is what many politicians and other various grownups would have you believe. But every time you hopped General Hawke (GI Joe) across your carpet, did he inspire you to run down to the local pawn shop, grab a wep and eliminate the entire population of your town because he had a gun in his plastic hand?

Not Likely.

However, no matter what your stance on the above issue is, it is irrelevent.

What's done is done (the game has been made) and everyone will continue to think whatever they want about it (reading articles does not change the mind of a grownup, or probably anyone else for that matter). The problem is, how is anyone in marketing/licensed goods/etc going to HANDLE it?

Now all of a sudden, Shadow has become this massive taboo. Little kids can no longer be allowed to look at him because he has guns. The game will not be rated "E for Everyone". But what about marketing this thing? Who is the audience for it now? Yes, the dark/light theme adds edginess, and may appeal to an older audience, but will it wreck Shadow as we know him now?

"The game will not be rated "E for Everyone"

Venue 1:
Archic Comics. It has already been stated that Archie will simply refuse to handle the Shadow+Guns issue at all. They'll never show him with a fire-arm, and they'll utterly ignore his entire plot. They have STATED IT. Ignoring and mis-interperating game plots is nothing new for Archie Sonic Comics. Unsurprisingly, they can't handle guns. The worst thing that happens in their comics is probably Reggie making Archie spill his milk at lunch. Therefor, perhaps Archie was NOT the ideal venue for Sonic comics. They can't bend or develop with the times. But back in the 1990's when Archie signed on, who knew?
Either way, Archie Sonic Comics seem to be in a decline, as Sonic X and the more plot-filled games influence the current fans, and take hold of new fans. However, archie comics are the only remaining monthly Sonic-Dedicated media.

Venue 2:
Sonic X the TV show. This is structured with the characters, icons, and items from the games. It strives to keep a reasonable continuity while incorporating game elements, including new additions. (Cream the rabbit, for example, was not in existance during Sonic Adventure 1)
But this show is for ANY Sonic fan to watch. Will they be able to incorperate gun use? Are they willing? And, if they do, will anyone out side of Japan ever get to see it? Do they NEED to incorperate the Shadow side story at all?

Anyone in America already knows that guns are edited out of shows left and right. Yu-Gi-Oh had Pegasus's thugs pointing in a threatening manner with their finger, while everyone runs in horror. Entire episodes would be slashed to the floor if Sonic X dared try it.

Venue 3:
General Merchandising. This includes things like shirts, dolls, action figures, posters etc. What are they going to do with him? Merchandise goes off limits to babies when it has guns in it. The newer American Sonic clothing line is sooooo tiny, it can only be worn if you are a baby, in most cases. In England, the "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" were "Teenage Mutant Turtles" because the WORD "Ninja" was TOO VIOLENT. What do you think will happen to guns there?

So what're they gonna do?
Only time will really tell that, but I don't think Sonic Team was really considering what this move with Shadow would bring to all the OTHER non-game elements. As this site proves, non-games are a much, much larger market than anyone may guess. There are hundreds of unique items, and the site is not yet near complete.

Due to the unusual small size of the Sonic characters some of the guns in the game look super huge or somewhat fake. In a few shots, they were rather 2D.
Beware the Stapler.
Ususally the simplest thing is what ends up occuring. The Sonic community will not fall apart into shambles because of one game. (After all, Sonic Underground didn't tear everything down and it was an affront) Merchandising will continue to be what it is now: Damm near un-find-able in most cases cause no one knows how to market. People will like the game, or call it a gimmicky fluke and keep going. Fans are fans, and Sonic fans tend to be True Blue.

The real questions lie in the media (show/comic/ads) and how they'll handle it, because they will need to. However, it seems to have already served its purpose: Creating a whole lotta contraversy and thus, publicity. Like it or not, you know about it, don't you?

#11 06-02-2018, 02:53:33 AM
- Last Edit: 06-02-2018, 03:03:54 AM
Almost nothing is known about Tails' early life. What is known is that Tails was born with the genetic abnormality which gave him two tails, from which he earned his nickname, but also made him the target of much bullying. Also, because of his unusually high IQ, Tails became a master engineer.
In Tails Adventure, prior to meeting Sonic, Tails had taken up residence on Cocoa Island, living pretty similar days. One day though, while taking a nap in the forest, Tails was suddenly awoken by the sound of explosions. Amidst the chaos, Tails met a frantic Flickywho explained that the Battle Bird Armada, led by Great Battle Kukku 15th, had invaded Cocoa Island in search for the Chaos Emeralds located on the island so their leader could conquer the world. During this, Tails saw Great Battle Kukku 15th leading his battalion through the burning forest. Realizing the threat, Tails mustered all his courage and set out to liberate the island.[10]

While liberating the island and recovered the Chaos Emeralds, Tails gained an enemy in Speedy. When Tails infiltrated the Battle Bird Armada's undersea stronghold, the Battle Fortress, he was trapped by Dr. Fukurokov, but managed to outwit the doctor and escape the Battle Fortress as it rose into the sky. Tails then invaded the Battle Fortress in his Sea Fox, where he defeated Speedy and afterwards Great Battle Kukku 15th for good. Tails then escaped the Battle Fortress in the Sea Fox as it crashed into the sea. Tails then returned to his workshop to built a larger model of his Remote Robot, only to have it explode in his face.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails had taken up residence on West Side Island where he was bullied by the native animals for his two tails.[11] One day while walking around alone and sad though, he saw Sonic the Hedgehog run past him.[12] Seeing Sonic run like the wind made Tails admire him for how cool he was. With a change it heart, Tails resolved to become as cool as Sonic and began following him. However, Tails was too shy to show himself to Sonic and hid whenever Sonic noticed him. Though Sonic ignored him, Tails still followed him and eventually earned his attention by keeping up with his speed.[11]

During an early afternoon, Tails discovered Sonic's biplane, the Tornado, on the beach. Fascinated by the craft, Tails investigated it, but shyly stayed away from Sonic napping under it. Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the woods, and Tails sought shelter under the Tornado where Sonic stood by him. There, he saw the destruction of the island and Badniksdigging in the ground. As Sonic ran into the attack, Tails reflectively followed him.[11]Arriving in the inferno, Tails and Sonic discovered it was Sonic's arch-enemy, Dr. Robotnik, who was behind this. The doctor had arrived on West Side Island where he turned the Animals into Badniks to find the Chaos Emeralds, which were currently on the island, so he could create the Death Egg to conquer the world. Tails and Sonic thus teamed up to find the Chaos Emerald and save the island.

Traveling across West Side Island, the duo claimed the Chaos Emeralds. Along the way, Tails proved a great assist to Sonic and the two build a strong bond. After freeing West Side Island, Tails and Sonic followed the doctor to the Wing Fortress Zone in the Tornado,[13] but when they got there, Tails and the Tornado were shot down. However, Tails returned in time with a rocket engine-enhanced Tornado to help Sonic get to Robotnik in his rocket ship.

Back on the ground, Tails watched the Death Egg explode thanks to Sonic, and took the Tornado back into the sky to look for Sonic. There, he saved Sonic from his fall from space and the two of them flew through the sky together.[13] At the end of their adventure, Tails and Sonic had become best friends, and Tails was made his idol's sidekick.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, many days after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails' Jewel Reader picked up a strong chaos energyreaction out at sea. Connecting to a tidal wave a few days earlier, Tails consult Sonicand the two left in the Tornado to investigate the reaction as their next big adventure.[16]

When Tails and Sonic reached the location, they found the legendary floating isle, Angel Island, except that the island was kept at the ocean's surface by the Death Egg, which Tails thought they had destroyed, which had crash-landed on it. Seeing that the Death Egg was currently being rebuilt, the duo set out to destroy the Death Egg for good. When they got to the island however, Knuckles the Echidna, the guardian of Angel Island and the Master Emerald, ambush Sonic and forced the Chaos Emeralds out of Sonic just as he turned into Super Sonic. Knuckles, having being tricked by Dr. Robotnik into thinking Tails and Sonic wanted to steal the Master Emerald, then stole the Chaos Emeralds and escaped to hide them.

Despite this, Tails and Sonic continued onward, traveling across Angel Island to freed it from Robotnik's control. Along the way, Tails and Sonic were repeatedly ambushed by Knuckles, but the duo survived each encounter, and recovered the Chaos Emeralds. Arriving in Launch Base Zone, Tails and Sonic got onboard the Death Egg just as it took off, where Robotnik had come to smite Sonic with excessive force. Sonic still defeated Robotnik, with their battle taking its toll on the Death Egg at a critical point of its launch, which made it crash into the Lava Reef Zone.

In Sonic & Knuckles, as Tails and Sonic landed in the Mushroom Hill Zone after escaping the falling Death Egg, they saw the space station survive another crash landing, this time into the island's volcano. The duo thus left once more to find the Death Egg and destroy it and as well discover Robotnik's fate.[13][17] While passing through Mushroom Hill Zone, Tails and Sonic saw Knuckles coming through a hidden doorway. Once Knuckles was gone, Tails and Sonic looked inside the room hidden by the doorway, where they found a Giant Ring that took them to the Emerald Shrine in the Hidden Palace Zone, the location of the Master Emerald.[17] Riddled with questions, Tails and Sonic returned to Mushroom Hill to continue their search.

Eventually, Tails and Sonic got to the Hidden Palace Zone on their own, where Sonic defeated Knuckles.[13] Tails and Sonic then followed Knuckles as he went to check the Master Emerald, where they saw Robotnik steal it so he could power the Death Egg. As Knuckles realize he had been duped as Robotnik fled, he befriended Tails and Sonic and guided them to Sky Sanctuary Zone to reach the Death Egg, but because Knuckles was too exhausted from the last struggles, they had to leave him behind. On their way through the sanctuary, Sonic and Tails fought Eggrobos and Mecha Sonic several times, where they in the final encounter used a crumbling pillar to get on the Death Egg.

On board the Death Egg, Tails and Sonic fought Dr. Robotnik in a final showdown in Kyodai Eggman Robo. Upon the defeat the contraption, which resulted in the Death Egg's complete destruction, Sonic gave chase to Robotnik in space as the doctor escaped with the Master Emerald while Tails returned to earth. There, he caught Sonic on the Tornadowhen he returned with the Master Emerald. The two of them then toiled the Master Emerald back to Angel Island where it belonged. Tails and Sonic then made peace with Knuckles before departing themselves.

But then SEGA started making rushed 3D games until they ended up hiring someone else to make their games and so Sonic 06 was born and destroyed the universe. Regreting the big mistake they've made, SEGA created another universe with the word BOOM on it (caps included) where Tails could finally have a girlfriend (& Knuckles got his steroids).

#12 06-02-2018, 03:04:28 AM
A word of advice, NEVER copy-paste something that long on your phone.

bjorno the hedgehog
#13 07-02-2018, 01:36:08 AM
thanks for the tip

 cheers m8
#14 07-02-2018, 03:11:42 AM
  • Guest
Almost nothing is known about Tails' early life. What is known is that Tails was born with the genetic abnormality which gave him two tails, from which he earned his nickname, but also made him the target of much bullying. Also, because of his unusually high IQ, Tails became a master engineer.
In Tails Adventure, prior to meeting Sonic, Tails had taken up residence on Cocoa Island, living pretty similar days. One day though, while taking a nap in the forest, Tails was suddenly awoken by the sound of explosions. Amidst the chaos, Tails met a frantic Flickywho explained that the Battle Bird Armada, led by Great Battle Kukku 15th, had invaded Cocoa Island in search for the Chaos Emeralds located on the island so their leader could conquer the world. During this, Tails saw Great Battle Kukku 15th leading his battalion through the burning forest. Realizing the threat, Tails mustered all his courage and set out to liberate the island.[10]

While liberating the island and recovered the Chaos Emeralds, Tails gained an enemy in Speedy. When Tails infiltrated the Battle Bird Armada's undersea stronghold, the Battle Fortress, he was trapped by Dr. Fukurokov, but managed to outwit the doctor and escape the Battle Fortress as it rose into the sky. Tails then invaded the Battle Fortress in his Sea Fox, where he defeated Speedy and afterwards Great Battle Kukku 15th for good. Tails then escaped the Battle Fortress in the Sea Fox as it crashed into the sea. Tails then returned to his workshop to built a larger model of his Remote Robot, only to have it explode in his face.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails had taken up residence on West Side Island where he was bullied by the native animals for his two tails.[11] One day while walking around alone and sad though, he saw Sonic the Hedgehog run past him.[12] Seeing Sonic run like the wind made Tails admire him for how cool he was. With a change it heart, Tails resolved to become as cool as Sonic and began following him. However, Tails was too shy to show himself to Sonic and hid whenever Sonic noticed him. Though Sonic ignored him, Tails still followed him and eventually earned his attention by keeping up with his speed.[11]

During an early afternoon, Tails discovered Sonic's biplane, the Tornado, on the beach. Fascinated by the craft, Tails investigated it, but shyly stayed away from Sonic napping under it. Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the woods, and Tails sought shelter under the Tornado where Sonic stood by him. There, he saw the destruction of the island and Badniksdigging in the ground. As Sonic ran into the attack, Tails reflectively followed him.[11]Arriving in the inferno, Tails and Sonic discovered it was Sonic's arch-enemy, Dr. Robotnik, who was behind this. The doctor had arrived on West Side Island where he turned the Animals into Badniks to find the Chaos Emeralds, which were currently on the island, so he could create the Death Egg to conquer the world. Tails and Sonic thus teamed up to find the Chaos Emerald and save the island.

Traveling across West Side Island, the duo claimed the Chaos Emeralds. Along the way, Tails proved a great assist to Sonic and the two build a strong bond. After freeing West Side Island, Tails and Sonic followed the doctor to the Wing Fortress Zone in the Tornado,[13] but when they got there, Tails and the Tornado were shot down. However, Tails returned in time with a rocket engine-enhanced Tornado to help Sonic get to Robotnik in his rocket ship.

Back on the ground, Tails watched the Death Egg explode thanks to Sonic, and took the Tornado back into the sky to look for Sonic. There, he saved Sonic from his fall from space and the two of them flew through the sky together.[13] At the end of their adventure, Tails and Sonic had become best friends, and Tails was made his idol's sidekick.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, many days after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails' Jewel Reader picked up a strong chaos energyreaction out at sea. Connecting to a tidal wave a few days earlier, Tails consult Sonicand the two left in the Tornado to investigate the reaction as their next big adventure.[16]

When Tails and Sonic reached the location, they found the legendary floating isle, Angel Island, except that the island was kept at the ocean's surface by the Death Egg, which Tails thought they had destroyed, which had crash-landed on it. Seeing that the Death Egg was currently being rebuilt, the duo set out to destroy the Death Egg for good. When they got to the island however, Knuckles the Echidna, the guardian of Angel Island and the Master Emerald, ambush Sonic and forced the Chaos Emeralds out of Sonic just as he turned into Super Sonic. Knuckles, having being tricked by Dr. Robotnik into thinking Tails and Sonic wanted to steal the Master Emerald, then stole the Chaos Emeralds and escaped to hide them.

Despite this, Tails and Sonic continued onward, traveling across Angel Island to freed it from Robotnik's control. Along the way, Tails and Sonic were repeatedly ambushed by Knuckles, but the duo survived each encounter, and recovered the Chaos Emeralds. Arriving in Launch Base Zone, Tails and Sonic got onboard the Death Egg just as it took off, where Robotnik had come to smite Sonic with excessive force. Sonic still defeated Robotnik, with their battle taking its toll on the Death Egg at a critical point of its launch, which made it crash into the Lava Reef Zone.

In Sonic & Knuckles, as Tails and Sonic landed in the Mushroom Hill Zone after escaping the falling Death Egg, they saw the space station survive another crash landing, this time into the island's volcano. The duo thus left once more to find the Death Egg and destroy it and as well discover Robotnik's fate.[13][17] While passing through Mushroom Hill Zone, Tails and Sonic saw Knuckles coming through a hidden doorway. Once Knuckles was gone, Tails and Sonic looked inside the room hidden by the doorway, where they found a Giant Ring that took them to the Emerald Shrine in the Hidden Palace Zone, the location of the Master Emerald.[17] Riddled with questions, Tails and Sonic returned to Mushroom Hill to continue their search.

Eventually, Tails and Sonic got to the Hidden Palace Zone on their own, where Sonic defeated Knuckles.[13] Tails and Sonic then followed Knuckles as he went to check the Master Emerald, where they saw Robotnik steal it so he could power the Death Egg. As Knuckles realize he had been duped as Robotnik fled, he befriended Tails and Sonic and guided them to Sky Sanctuary Zone to reach the Death Egg, but because Knuckles was too exhausted from the last struggles, they had to leave him behind. On their way through the sanctuary, Sonic and Tails fought Eggrobos and Mecha Sonic several times, where they in the final encounter used a crumbling pillar to get on the Death Egg.

On board the Death Egg, Tails and Sonic fought Dr. Robotnik in a final showdown in Kyodai Eggman Robo. Upon the defeat the contraption, which resulted in the Death Egg's complete destruction, Sonic gave chase to Robotnik in space as the doctor escaped with the Master Emerald while Tails returned to earth. There, he caught Sonic on the Tornadowhen he returned with the Master Emerald. The two of them then toiled the Master Emerald back to Angel Island where it belonged. Tails and Sonic then made peace with Knuckles before departing themselves.

But then SEGA started making rushed 3D games until they ended up hiring someone else to make their games and so Sonic 06 was born and destroyed the universe. Regreting the big mistake they've made, SEGA created another universe with the word BOOM on it (caps included) where Tails could finally have a girlfriend (& Knuckles got his steroids).

#15 07-02-2018, 16:26:01 PM
Almost nothing is known about Tails' early life. What is known is that Tails was born with the genetic abnormality which gave him two tails, from which he earned his nickname, but also made him the target of much bullying. Also, because of his unusually high IQ, Tails became a master engineer.
In Tails Adventure, prior to meeting Sonic, Tails had taken up residence on Cocoa Island, living pretty similar days. One day though, while taking a nap in the forest, Tails was suddenly awoken by the sound of explosions. Amidst the chaos, Tails met a frantic Flickywho explained that the Battle Bird Armada, led by Great Battle Kukku 15th, had invaded Cocoa Island in search for the Chaos Emeralds located on the island so their leader could conquer the world. During this, Tails saw Great Battle Kukku 15th leading his battalion through the burning forest. Realizing the threat, Tails mustered all his courage and set out to liberate the island.[10]

While liberating the island and recovered the Chaos Emeralds, Tails gained an enemy in Speedy. When Tails infiltrated the Battle Bird Armada's undersea stronghold, the Battle Fortress, he was trapped by Dr. Fukurokov, but managed to outwit the doctor and escape the Battle Fortress as it rose into the sky. Tails then invaded the Battle Fortress in his Sea Fox, where he defeated Speedy and afterwards Great Battle Kukku 15th for good. Tails then escaped the Battle Fortress in the Sea Fox as it crashed into the sea. Tails then returned to his workshop to built a larger model of his Remote Robot, only to have it explode in his face.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails had taken up residence on West Side Island where he was bullied by the native animals for his two tails.[11] One day while walking around alone and sad though, he saw Sonic the Hedgehog run past him.[12] Seeing Sonic run like the wind made Tails admire him for how cool he was. With a change it heart, Tails resolved to become as cool as Sonic and began following him. However, Tails was too shy to show himself to Sonic and hid whenever Sonic noticed him. Though Sonic ignored him, Tails still followed him and eventually earned his attention by keeping up with his speed.[11]

During an early afternoon, Tails discovered Sonic's biplane, the Tornado, on the beach. Fascinated by the craft, Tails investigated it, but shyly stayed away from Sonic napping under it. Suddenly, an explosion erupted from the woods, and Tails sought shelter under the Tornado where Sonic stood by him. There, he saw the destruction of the island and Badniksdigging in the ground. As Sonic ran into the attack, Tails reflectively followed him.[11]Arriving in the inferno, Tails and Sonic discovered it was Sonic's arch-enemy, Dr. Robotnik, who was behind this. The doctor had arrived on West Side Island where he turned the Animals into Badniks to find the Chaos Emeralds, which were currently on the island, so he could create the Death Egg to conquer the world. Tails and Sonic thus teamed up to find the Chaos Emerald and save the island.

Traveling across West Side Island, the duo claimed the Chaos Emeralds. Along the way, Tails proved a great assist to Sonic and the two build a strong bond. After freeing West Side Island, Tails and Sonic followed the doctor to the Wing Fortress Zone in the Tornado,[13] but when they got there, Tails and the Tornado were shot down. However, Tails returned in time with a rocket engine-enhanced Tornado to help Sonic get to Robotnik in his rocket ship.

Back on the ground, Tails watched the Death Egg explode thanks to Sonic, and took the Tornado back into the sky to look for Sonic. There, he saved Sonic from his fall from space and the two of them flew through the sky together.[13] At the end of their adventure, Tails and Sonic had become best friends, and Tails was made his idol's sidekick.

In Sonic the Hedgehog 3, many days after the events of Sonic the Hedgehog 2, Tails' Jewel Reader picked up a strong chaos energyreaction out at sea. Connecting to a tidal wave a few days earlier, Tails consult Sonicand the two left in the Tornado to investigate the reaction as their next big adventure.[16]

When Tails and Sonic reached the location, they found the legendary floating isle, Angel Island, except that the island was kept at the ocean's surface by the Death Egg, which Tails thought they had destroyed, which had crash-landed on it. Seeing that the Death Egg was currently being rebuilt, the duo set out to destroy the Death Egg for good. When they got to the island however, Knuckles the Echidna, the guardian of Angel Island and the Master Emerald, ambush Sonic and forced the Chaos Emeralds out of Sonic just as he turned into Super Sonic. Knuckles, having being tricked by Dr. Robotnik into thinking Tails and Sonic wanted to steal the Master Emerald, then stole the Chaos Emeralds and escaped to hide them.

Despite this, Tails and Sonic continued onward, traveling across Angel Island to freed it from Robotnik's control. Along the way, Tails and Sonic were repeatedly ambushed by Knuckles, but the duo survived each encounter, and recovered the Chaos Emeralds. Arriving in Launch Base Zone, Tails and Sonic got onboard the Death Egg just as it took off, where Robotnik had come to smite Sonic with excessive force. Sonic still defeated Robotnik, with their battle taking its toll on the Death Egg at a critical point of its launch, which made it crash into the Lava Reef Zone.

In Sonic & Knuckles, as Tails and Sonic landed in the Mushroom Hill Zone after escaping the falling Death Egg, they saw the space station survive another crash landing, this time into the island's volcano. The duo thus left once more to find the Death Egg and destroy it and as well discover Robotnik's fate.[13][17] While passing through Mushroom Hill Zone, Tails and Sonic saw Knuckles coming through a hidden doorway. Once Knuckles was gone, Tails and Sonic looked inside the room hidden by the doorway, where they found a Giant Ring that took them to the Emerald Shrine in the Hidden Palace Zone, the location of the Master Emerald.[17] Riddled with questions, Tails and Sonic returned to Mushroom Hill to continue their search.

Eventually, Tails and Sonic got to the Hidden Palace Zone on their own, where Sonic defeated Knuckles.[13] Tails and Sonic then followed Knuckles as he went to check the Master Emerald, where they saw Robotnik steal it so he could power the Death Egg. As Knuckles realize he had been duped as Robotnik fled, he befriended Tails and Sonic and guided them to Sky Sanctuary Zone to reach the Death Egg, but because Knuckles was too exhausted from the last struggles, they had to leave him behind. On their way through the sanctuary, Sonic and Tails fought Eggrobos and Mecha Sonic several times, where they in the final encounter used a crumbling pillar to get on the Death Egg.

On board the Death Egg, Tails and Sonic fought Dr. Robotnik in a final showdown in Kyodai Eggman Robo. Upon the defeat the contraption, which resulted in the Death Egg's complete destruction, Sonic gave chase to Robotnik in space as the doctor escaped with the Master Emerald while Tails returned to earth. There, he caught Sonic on the Tornadowhen he returned with the Master Emerald. The two of them then toiled the Master Emerald back to Angel Island where it belonged. Tails and Sonic then made peace with Knuckles before departing themselves.

But then SEGA started making rushed 3D games until they ended up hiring someone else to make their games and so Sonic 06 was born and destroyed the universe. Regreting the big mistake they've made, SEGA created another universe with the word BOOM on it (caps included) where Tails could finally have a girlfriend (& Knuckles got his steroids).
steev did you like that ending?

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