Preparing to switch to Windows 10, some questsion:
#16 20-08-2016, 15:50:28 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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The emotion you posted is at odds with your message...

#17 20-08-2016, 17:25:32 PM
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Step 0: Preparing the installation media

OK so MS doesn't provide a media creation tool for Linux, which is already a huge roadblock for some Linux users. Luckily I figured out how to do this manually many years ago:

1 - Create a single NTFS partition on your USB stick, mark it "bootable":
Code: [Select]
# fdisk /dev/sdX <<EOF

# mkfs.ntfs -f /dev/sdX1

2) Mount your NTFS partition and extract the Windows 10 ISO to it:
Code: [Select]
# ntfs-3g /dev/sdX1 /mnt
# cd /mnt
# 7z x /path/to/Win10.iso
(this step will take a long time, go microwave some hotdogs)

3. If you have a UEFI system you might be done already (maybe the EFI files need to be on a FAT32 partition, idk??). I have a BIOS system (or at least I treat it like one), so we need some bootable code in the USB stick's MBR. For this, I chose to use the syslinux MBR:
Code: [Select]
# dd if=/usr/share/syslinux/mbr.bin of=/dev/sdX

My next post will be from Windows 10 hopefully

#18 20-08-2016, 17:51:22 PM
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ok NOT posting from Windows 10, the USB stick wasn't bootable! It appears that IN ADDITION to the MBR, we must write some boot code to the NTFS partition itself.

I never had to do this before, my best guess is that ntfsprogs is no longer writing this code for me.

But luckily we can use MS-SYS:

Code: [Select]
$ tar xvf ms-sys-2.5.3.tgz
$ cd ms-sys-2.5.3
$ make
$ sudo ./bin/ms-sys -n /dev/sdX1

NOW we are ready to rock and roll

My next post will be from Windows 10

rant: Making a bootable Linux USB is much easier /rant

#19 20-08-2016, 18:09:37 PM
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Still not posting from Windows 10 *sigh*

I forgot that Windows doesn't let you use GPT on a BIOS system. It doesn't give me an option to convert it to MSDOS partition table either, so my computer is broken. I gotta figure out how to bring up a CMD prompt so I can run disk part.exe. This is so archaic omg

#20 20-08-2016, 18:19:23 PM
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OK I found the cmd prompt and typed
> diskpart.exe
> list disk
> select disk 0
> convert mbr
> exit

NOW we are ready to rock and roll

My NEXT post will be from Windows 10

#21 20-08-2016, 18:31:38 PM
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Posting from Microsoft Edge!!

Some screen tearing though, I hope I can find that WDDM 2.0 Sandybridge driver

#22 20-08-2016, 18:39:50 PM
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Hey guys what's the best version of GPG for Windows? I gotta verify the signature for KeepassX

#23 20-08-2016, 18:40:33 PM
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hold on gotta reboot, updates just installed without telling me

#25 20-08-2016, 20:14:07 PM
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Up next I will download Visual Studio and attempt to make a UWP version of yourewinner app

#26 20-08-2016, 20:21:44 PM
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NOTE: The only other IDE I use is Android Studio, so I will compare the experience to that.

Setup needs 8 GB YIKES!!

#27 20-08-2016, 20:51:43 PM
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ok now i have to install Windows Universal Tools

9 more GBs!!!

#28 20-08-2016, 21:23:09 PM
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*sigh* now I have to download the Developer Mode package :running:

#29 20-08-2016, 21:25:45 PM
  • Это вроде сосать быть Дарта Вейдера
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Get the steeveloper mode instead

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