Lets review deodorant friends
#46 18-10-2016, 18:45:22 PM
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Use New Spice

#47 18-10-2016, 21:51:05 PM
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Potassium Alum vs Ammonium Alum - What works better?????

I think the stick I bought is Potassium alum, but I'm not sure

#48 18-10-2016, 21:59:53 PM
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Alum is alum for deodorant

Potassium alum is better for shaving

#49 19-10-2016, 20:00:11 PM
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how do i graduate from old spice
when you're shopping for new deoderant, find the nearest chick buying tampons and ask her which scent is the best

#50 20-10-2016, 20:48:13 PM
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ok i got it

I washed my pits with soap then I got the stick wet and rubbed it under my arms until it was dry again (about 30 seconds)

It doesn't feel like I'm wearing deodorant I hope I did it right

#51 20-10-2016, 23:07:01 PM
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just watched cops

no b.o. yet

#52 21-10-2016, 14:11:11 PM
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If that didn't make you sweat then nothing will

#53 21-10-2016, 18:26:24 PM
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wow it works

#54 09-11-2016, 00:26:24 AM
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yo wtf my deodorant stopped working???

#55 09-11-2016, 01:38:51 AM
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Tell me more

#56 09-11-2016, 11:09:07 AM
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make sure to recharge your deodorant evey 48 hours

#57 09-11-2016, 20:53:55 PM

This poo poo here is like fetching extra strength. That 48 hour protection poo poo is the real deal. It's got three big knocks though. 1. When you first put it on, it's really damn strong, and you smell like "That guy who always puts on too much cologne". 2. Didn't last me more than 2-3 months tops. 3. Tastes really bad.

Bought this at the gas station, alongside a pint of Old Rasputin Imperial Ale, because I had work the next day, and forgot to buy deodorant at the grocery store. You can barely smell it, so people won't notice you're wearing deodorant, but you won't smell like you aren't wearing deodorant either. Also a top choice of Tattoo Artists; My dad always had a stick of this around, but almost exclusively used it for applying stencils.
#58 10-11-2016, 00:42:28 AM
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Excuse me, Old Rasputin is an imperial stout

#59 10-11-2016, 01:35:05 AM
Excuse me, Old Rasputin is an imperial stout
Corrected. Imperial Stout.

I gotta buy more of that poo poo this weekend
#60 10-11-2016, 01:36:09 AM
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My old go to was that 48 hour stuff and like you say it is the real deal, but I agree with your points against it.
It also stained my favorite Slackware shirts, which was the last straw...

That's why I switched to the Amazing! Thai deodorant stick.

It only protects for around 24 hours (just barely) in my experience, but the stick itself will last much longer (probably years if I don't drop it).
The taste is great and I recommend licking your armpits to make sure you applied it correctly
You can also use it on your face after shaving and for foot odor, so it's kinda like a multipurpose tool
It's also odorless and doesn't stain my slackware shirts

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