Kodi gets a new look
#46 23-03-2017, 00:03:04 AM
That's useless but hopefully it gets better

#47 23-03-2017, 01:54:46 AM
I actually wish I could go back to the old look. The new one got rid of the back arrow. I hate clicking ... every time.
#48 23-03-2017, 19:00:27 PM
I had to edit some of the ordering of things but I've actually liked the skin a lot more since it's been updated.

When I upgraded to an RPi 2 I thought I would want to try out all of the fancy skins I couldn't run before but it turns out that wasn't the case.

#49 11-07-2017, 15:40:44 PM
Do NOT use HDD enclosures with the Norelsys NS1066 controller chip such as this.  It will continually unmount and has been nothing but trouble on the RPi.

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