Steam now allows paid mods
#46 25-04-2015, 14:09:43 PM
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btw the 25% the mod developers get also goes to their steam wallet, meaning that money can only be spent on Steam. So much for the "oh, but this will create a new career/job opportunity/way of making a living" argument... unless Valve suddenly starts selling groceries and paying utility bills

That isn't true, it is paid by wire transfer.

#47 25-04-2015, 14:16:32 PM
who cares about paid mods. mount and blade devs let modders charge for their mods and nobody cared for years

I'm sure the modders kept more than 25% of that money, too.

If the modders kept 50-75% of the money, would the program be ok, then?

No, I don't think so. The fact that this is all tied to the Steam workshop makes it look like an incredibly obvious cash grab by Valve and Bethesda.

If the developer of a mod wants to charge for it, so be it. Some of these mods have massive teams with thousands of hours of work put into them. While I would probably be hesitant to purchase mods, I could understand if the large majority of my money was going to the people who made the mod. Now, the mod developers get a pittance for their work while Valve and Bethesda are taking huge cuts. On the one hand you can say "it's better than nothing" but I feel that it sets a terrible precedent.

On top of all that, the consumer is also getting shafted with this. Refunds go to the Steam wallet, there's no protection or accountability for broken mods.

I don't understand.  On the one hand, you are saying that 50%-75% profits to modders won't be enough to placate your concerns, but on the other hand most of your complaint is about the current profit allocation (25%). 

So, if:

1) Modders receive 50-75% of the profits.  Let's even say 100% of the profits.  (I do think that since Valve serves as a distribution platform, if the paid mod program exists, then at least Valve should get a cut for that service.)


2) Modders can choose to still put out their mods for free or, if they sell the mod, can have a "pay what you want"/donate option if the modder chooses it.  (To my knowledge, this is actually the way the current system works.  Yesterday, I saw a paid mod that had a "pay what you want" option). 


3)  Refunds in the first 24 hours are in the form of the original payment, and between 24-48 hours as a steam wallet refund.  Extend the time up to a few more days or a week if you wish, though I think at that point for most mods you will have received the benefit of the mod. 

Then will the paid mod program be fine?

#48 25-04-2015, 14:27:09 PM
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That would be much better than what it is now. My main concern is from monetizing mods in the first place.

#49 25-04-2015, 14:27:42 PM
Forbes, of all places, wrote an article that I think summarizes this pretty well.

Not that it's a bad article, but arguments from authority by themselves are not good.  If we are going the argument from authority route, I think it's a far cry to say that this is Forbes' voice on it.  It's not a staff editorial or in the print edition.  If it's authoritative, then its the lowest form possible.

This is the equivalent of saying that the Washington Post writes about wrestling because a blogger on their website posts something on it (good stuff, too:  While it's accurate that the article is published on the Washington Post website, no one thinks this is the Post's view on things.  (Actually, most people on r/squaredcircle do).

#50 25-04-2015, 14:32:25 PM
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No, I'm just surprised it's on Forbes at all. I'm also surprised that wrestling is on the Washington Post website! The age of guest contributors is fascinating and I know Forbes has really been focusing on it lately.

I'm sure soon enough this will make the front page of the New York Times.

#51 25-04-2015, 14:35:02 PM
That would be much better than what it is now. My main concern is from monetizing mods in the first place.

That's the other part.  I think people have a philosophical opposition to monetization, even if there was a "perfect" program in which modders receive 100% of the profits.  I think this opposition derives from people who genuinely believe this will negatively impact the modding community, simply abhor the idea of having to pay for something, or a combination of both.  How many form part of each camp?  I don't know.  I do believe that the "profits" argument is used by some as a smokescreen to mask their fundamental concerns, at least until Valve comes out with a better program.

#52 25-04-2015, 14:36:22 PM
No, I'm just surprised it's on Forbes at all. I'm also surprised that wrestling is on the Washington Post website! The age of guest contributors is fascinating and I know Forbes has really been focusing on it lately.

I'm sure soon enough this will make the front page of the New York Times.

I actually do like what the author on Forbes writes, since he tends to have opinions on the videogame industry that can be followed from Point A to Point Z without many gaps.

#53 25-04-2015, 14:42:16 PM
WWE2k15 comes out next week, just in time to take "advantage" of paid mods.

It is kind of suck.


#54 25-04-2015, 14:46:26 PM
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btw the 25% the mod developers get also goes to their steam wallet, meaning that money can only be spent on Steam. So much for the "oh, but this will create a new career/job opportunity/way of making a living" argument... unless Valve suddenly starts selling groceries and paying utility bills

That isn't true, it is paid by wire transfer.

Oh, I was misinformed then

#55 25-04-2015, 16:02:55 PM
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WWE2k15 comes out next week, just in time to take "advantage" of paid mods.

It is kind of suck.


Hopefully not the case, because a wrestling game already seems like it has the potential for an absurd amount of DLC.

#56 25-04-2015, 17:19:57 PM
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#57 25-04-2015, 17:43:08 PM
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it all makes sense, Gaben needs more money to pay for eye surgery

#58 27-04-2015, 19:08:51 PM
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#59 27-04-2015, 21:49:54 PM
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Praise Talos

#60 27-04-2015, 22:12:57 PM
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Mods should be paid (ZIGS, JAVIKS, Skrag, Namclone, etc)

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