Help with purchasing a new DVD player
#1 09-11-2014, 05:37:18 AM
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A rarely even switch on my TV these days, but I want to buy a decent DVD/Blueray player for it.  It needs to:

- have a usb port
- be able to play movies direct from an external HDD or memory stick via USB
- be able to play a wide range of video formats via USB, especially .MKV / AVC, AVI and MP4
- be multi-region, so it'll play both US and European DVDs/Bluerays

Any suggestions would be appreciated  :roddy:

#2 09-11-2014, 06:59:45 AM
- Last Edit: 25-02-2015, 23:00:29 PM
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Most (all?) current Bluray players have this DRM called Cinavia that will prevent you from watching pirated bluray rips off a hard drive.
You may still be able to find one without it, but I don't know what to recommend.

If you're okay with JUST playing DVD/Bluray rips from a USB hard drive I'd recommend something like an RPi or WDTV Live player

#3 09-11-2014, 11:39:30 AM
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A TV live player looks good.  I'll have to check if the TV has more than one HDMI port though.

Thanks @steev

bjorno the hedgehog
#4 09-11-2014, 15:48:44 PM
get a ps2

 cheers m8
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