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Messages - Maraakate
Pages: 1 ... 219 220 [221]
# 3301
I'm talking about all the games, including the civil war masterpieces and Taxi Rider.  Yes, we can save barney as well.  If anyone wants to help out with this project, please PM me.  Even if you have a real copy of BROTRR PM me, I don't own the actual CD unfortunetly.
# 3302
I want beyond just that, the whole suite of Stellar Stone.  Sergey is such a misunderstood artists.  We can't stand for these rips (just installers and mp3s) of BROTRR.  We need the true BIN/CUE of it.  And all Sergey's games as well.  I also know a few other WINNER developers who deserve such treatment.  Nevar forget.
# 3303
Oh and you don't want to preserve these rare games for future generations?  I know I do.  So help out. kthxggnscamper.
# 3304
If you switch this to Source engine i can totally make the maps, it's extremely easy mapping in source.  Converting textures to VTF format is also very easy.  I don't know a whole lot coding for it though.  Sauerbraten I'm not too impressed with.  Darkplaces /Nexuiz engine would probably easier.  Unless if you guys know its possible to map in Hammer for Sauerbraten (i know its possible with darkplaces).
# 3305
Gentleman, let me introduce to you my idea.  Imagine a world where it would be possible to play any winner game at your disposal?  Imagine a world where your children and their children will be able to experience the true epicness of Stellar Stone and other winner influencing games.  Are you hearing me?  I'm talking about the Stellar Stone Archiving Project.

I can host such things for all of us.  I'm envisioning a tracker (or even just hosting these files) and everyone can post reviews, comment on their favourite winner moments, etcetera.  The only problem is, as I'm sure you all know, Stellar Stone's amazing portfolio is beginning to become lost in the internets.  If any of you has any Stellar Stone (or other winner games that are fairly unknown) that you can archive in an ISO (if no Audio Data) or BIN/CUE (if it contains Audio) formats, please let me know.  I'd like to start this project up with a few nice rarities.  No rips allow'd.

Now get to it!  Don't be a  :loser:.  I already have a few non-Stellar Stone games ready to go for this project!
# 3306
Just played this masterpiece of gaming earlier today.  All 5 tracks (needed patch :[)
# 3307

 :stamp: Game!  Who wants to hear moar?

Terrorists have just invaded US soil in an attempt to overthrow the superpower and achieve global supremacy. 50 major cities have already been devastated by nuclear attacks while others are left in total chaos. Join the Resistance as you grab your weapon and take to the streets to fend off the powerful surprise attack. From urban downtown city streets to rural residential parks, you'll engage in countless battles as you help fight for America's freedom.

 :stamp: encounters include: Half-Life 1 graphics and level design (despite being from 2007!), Second level is impossible, bsclly, even with cheats, game has shout outs to forum members (lulz) and much moar.

I can makes gameplay video of this epic masterpiece later today if you would like.
# 3308
BROTRR Discussion / Re: Hi Im new, and
07-09-2008, 10:59:44 AM
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