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Messages - JAVIKS
Pages: 1 ... 449 450 [451] 452 453 ... 455
# 6751
I died, came back to life flew around and fetched a gypsy, and then died again.
Pretty successful in my book!
# 6752
Gaming / Re: Forum D&D
11-01-2011, 20:37:12 PM
Do I get to choose a feet now?
# 6753
You clever motherfetcher, putting the castle IN the desert, how am I supposed to fetch up the adventure now?
# 6754
Somehow steev came out as steen, fortunately I only have basic emotions
# 6755
Steen should mentor me in the area of emotions
# 6756
I think I'm spiral nose-diving into a depression while I'm on fire, I need some pick-me-up music now
# 6757
I think they have a decently wide selection.

Any suggestions for melodeath, thrash, etc. trance, hardstyle, and just electronic in general that I should be on the lookout for?
Sorry I dont have the exact same musical preferences :(
# 6758
Social/Off-Topic / Re: A second chance
11-01-2011, 18:44:01 PM
Here is a rough sketch of what the ship could look like. Could anyone go on this? Is this OK? Perhaps we could get something more professional-looking?

as long as it has a green lazor gun
# 6759
I think they have a decently wide selection.

Any suggestions for melodeath, thrash, etc. trance, hardstyle, and just electronic in general that I should be on the lookout for?
# 6760
Gaming / Re: Forum D&D
11-01-2011, 17:38:08 PM
I eat one of my burgers and spend an action point to kick the elemental in the doughy balls and run to more desert
# 6761
Social/Off-Topic / Re: A second chance
11-01-2011, 17:34:56 PM
Don't forget alien space hookers
# 6762
Social/Off-Topic / Re: A second chance
11-01-2011, 16:09:51 PM
I want a Chinese space RPG.
but also make it a western
# 6763
2. His name reminds me of something warmly familiar
# 6764
Social/Off-Topic / Re: Thunder gets laid
11-01-2011, 02:40:47 AM
poo poos getting serious up in here
# 6765
Social/Off-Topic / Re: Sweet board games
11-01-2011, 01:01:43 AM
The settlers of catan is pretty fun.
Pages: 1 ... 449 450 [451] 452 453 ... 455