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Messages - JAVIKS
Pages: 1 ... 448 449 [450] 451 452 ... 455
# 6736
Social/Off-Topic / Re: JAYZ
14-01-2011, 00:55:00 AM
i liked one of his commercials once
# 6737
Social/Off-Topic / Re: If you serverunban me
13-01-2011, 23:11:18 PM
unban thunder
infinite ban thunder
poo poo, you dont know where im coming from now
# 6738
dont ever leave us again
# 6739
Social/Off-Topic / Re: Guys, GUYS.
13-01-2011, 17:44:07 PM
# 6740
Social/Off-Topic / Re: Guys, GUYS.
13-01-2011, 12:12:42 PM
big rig
make it travel through an intergalactic highway too
# 6741
Social/Off-Topic / Re: let's make a game
13-01-2011, 01:29:17 AM
the game seems kinda bare, but i do like the fade away red cube thing
# 6742
Social/Off-Topic / Re: A second chance
12-01-2011, 18:35:22 PM
what the hell shape vaginas have you been seeing?
I don't even know what prompted me to say that, I was slightly delusional most of yesterday and I blame BROTRR withdrawals and I now see the error of my way.

To answer your question I have aparently been looking at giant oddly shaped space ship vagina from alien hookers that have been around a few too many times.

Regardless of whatever the unicorn I am talking about now, I would still fly the poo poo out of that spaceship, even though it probably only gos forwardish.
I just don't see how it looks like a sex toy. If you like it, then I'll use it. I have ideas for the game in my head.
i never claimed it was a sex toy, i just said i would fly it into a vagina, whether or not the owner of the vagina takes pleasure in it is their business
# 6743
BROTRR Discussion / Re: BROTRR is a LOSER game
12-01-2011, 18:33:11 PM
You could say it is the...

...End game

fixed it
# 6744
BROTRR Discussion / Re: BROTRR is a LOSER game
12-01-2011, 13:10:37 PM
You could say it is the...

...End game

# 6745
Social/Off-Topic / Re: A second chance
12-01-2011, 11:39:16 AM
what the hell shape vaginas have you been seeing?
I don't even know what prompted me to say that, I was slightly delusional most of yesterday and I blame BROTRR withdrawals and I now see the error of my way.

To answer your question I have aparently been looking at giant oddly shaped space ship vagina from alien hookers that have been around a few too many times.

Regardless of whatever the fetch I am talking about now, I would still fly the poo poo out of that spaceship, even though it probably only gos forwardish.
# 6746
Gaming / Re: Forum D&D
12-01-2011, 01:40:49 AM
grue's in space? fetching pimp, this poo poos gonna be the most realistic thing i eva dun
# 6747
Social/Off-Topic / Re: A second chance
12-01-2011, 00:11:06 AM
i would fly that ship straight into a vagina
# 6748
Gaming / Re: Forum D&D
11-01-2011, 23:53:57 PM
i go to dennis and cast tragic missile, at whatever is left of him i suppose
# 6749
Gaming / Re: Forum D&D
11-01-2011, 21:46:06 PM
tragic missile sounds awesome, im gonna leave a trail of misfortune in my wake
# 6750
 :bidoof: :stamp: :bidoof: :stamp:
Pages: 1 ... 448 449 [450] 451 452 ... 455