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Messages - Santi640
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29
# 1
Social/Off-Topic / introduce yourself
31-03-2024, 01:56:42 AM
 :belair: :bluerig:
# 2
Social/Off-Topic / 1000 sup salute
17-07-2022, 22:37:05 PM
# 3
BROTRR Discussion / Need Help
16-07-2022, 23:04:00 PM
# 4
thinking about setting up a rigcoin mining rig rn
# 5
 :loser: I spent all my lifesavings in the Rigcoin Bank expecting great WINNER investment but after all these years I made zero profit. At least I didn't lose anything but I don't feel WINNER either  :loser:
# 6
who's steev
steevma balls lmao gottem
# 7
puedo ser admin¿
# 8
Social/Off-Topic / 1000 sup salute
03-11-2021, 16:47:14 PM
# 9
BROTRR Discussion / i sleep
31-10-2021, 14:40:03 PM
# 10
tasebot: taking an andmill
# 11
steev:  I use Windows 10 Home Edition because I use it at home. With WSL2 it becomes a very productive environment

tasebot: with wsl2 it becomes a poo pooty pisslever post
# 12
Gaming / Discord Server
11-09-2019, 04:54:24 AM
Didn't Marakaate find a way to restore the IRC thing? That should be the official YOUREWINNER.COM chat.
the IRC is still alive, it's been at #bigrigs for years (over a decade at least now)

much as I hate to admit it though, discord is far superior and until they start trying to seriously monetize, there's no point in going back to IRC
But tasebot is 420% smarter there, and we have... trivia
# 13
Social/Off-Topic / WINNER APP update
11-09-2019, 04:52:03 AM
Well there's the problem, HP Printer Support are still using Windows 7......
Finally something I can use
# 14
Gaming / yo donut
06-08-2019, 20:56:51 PM
Hey ANDMIL, I saw you had fake uncharted on your wishlist and it was cheap so I got it for you.

Happy Alentines Day
You'll get the V later.. HAHA just kidding xoxo ;)))

In the future Andmill is gonna be a dick to you so don't get him Uncharted.

-Future steev
Woah that sounds interesting. steev, we're gonna have a long ass DM talk about this...
# 15
Well we know that the highest velocity traveled (backwards) on the game was 12 Undecillion MPH.
But can we go higher? Whats the highest number velocity a player can reach if they always held the backwards key? 1.8e+308 MPH? 32-bit integer?
You say it's 12 Undecillions but the ULTRANAV's speedometer actually reaches infinite, the BIG RIG is literally everywhere at the same time, but obviously nobody can see it, it's easier to see subatomic particles than to see that moment. In fact not even your computer can render it in a single frame, that's why we only see "YOU'RE WINNER !", but believe me, BIG RIGS have no speed limit.
Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 29