#1 21-01-2019, 05:30:39 AM
Education is an essential tool for everyone to get success in life and earn respect and recognition. Education plays great role in everyone’s life as it brings positive effects on the human life. It provides ability to think in both aspects positive and negative to get surety about and handle the situation. It is the most easy way to enhance our knowledge and expand skills to have clear view over the world. It creates interest within us to enhance our way of life and thus country growth and development. We can learn by watching TV, reading books, discussion and by other various means.

Acharya Institute of Technology bangalore admission
BMS College of Engineering Bangalore admission
BMS Institute Of Technology bangalore admission
Alliance University bangalore admission

People living in the backwards areas are not getting proper benefits of good educational as they lack money and other resources. However, some new and effective strategies has been planned and implemented by the government to resolve the problems in such areas. Education improves the mental status and change the way of thinking of a person. It brings confidence and helps to convert the thinking into the action to go ahead and get success and experience.

MS Ramaiah university bangalore admission
Atria Institute of Technology bangalore admission
Christ University Bangalore admission
Reva University Bangalore admission
CMR Institute of Technology bangalore admission

Without education life becomes aimless and tough. So we should understand the importance of the education and its involvement in our daily lives. We should encourage the education in the backward areas by letting them know the benefits of education. Disabled people and poor people are equally

Dayanad sagar university Bangalore admission
Mount Carmel Institute of Management Bangalore admission
Sir M Visvesvaraya Institute of Technology bangalore admission
St Josephs College of Business Administration Bangalore admission

#2 21-01-2019, 22:13:16 PM
thanks ayush very inspiring

bjorno the hedgehog
#3 22-01-2019, 22:50:32 PM
learning is for fools

 cheers m8
#4 23-01-2019, 07:36:51 AM
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learning is for fools
But if fools learn, then won't they become non-fools?

#5 23-01-2019, 09:29:53 AM
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learning is for fools
But if fools learn, then won't they become non-fools?

No wonder bjorno doesn't get any respect or recognition

#6 23-01-2019, 20:20:05 PM
How can I unlearn so I become less fool?

bjorno the hedgehog
#7 27-01-2019, 19:16:17 PM
How can I unlearn so I become less fool?

slam your head into a brick wall

 cheers m8
#8 30-01-2019, 19:05:43 PM
How can I unlearn so I become less fool?

slam your head into a brick wall
Done and done, me is most clever then you now  :twisted:

#9 30-01-2019, 19:44:19 PM
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Good job Santo!

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