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Messages - Namclone
Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 92
# 31
07-04-2015, 18:59:54 PM

# 32
Gaming / DEUS EX: MANKIND DIVIDED announced!
07-04-2015, 17:29:07 PM
# 33
# 34
What's not to love?  Free if you are a new subscriber (includes the Extreme Rules PPV at the end of the month), and then $9.99/month after.  No time commitment, so you can cancel at ANY TIME.
# 35
Indeed, Neville's performance was amazing.  He was a top talent in NXT (the development branch of WWE), and he seems to have made a smooth transition into the main roster.  I don't like that they cut out his first name ("Adrian"), but at least they didn't nerf his moveset.  This man can be one of the best highfliers in WWE history.  :belair:
# 36
Me too.  I'm glad that successful movies like this get sequels instead of garbage like "Super Troopers."  They had to raise their money through a fundraiser because the first movie was so bad lol.
# 37
Social/Off-Topic / how much do you love me?
05-04-2015, 10:53:01 AM
# 38
That's fantastic, Steev!  I'm glad you enjoyed what did turn out to be a great Wrestlemania for the most part.  If you want to watch the fallout, you should watch a replay of yesterday's Monday Night Raw, which will you give you an idea of where these characters (ATHLETES) and stories (REAL-LIFE CONFLICTS) are going in the post-WM world.  Something happened to Brock Lesnar during Raw that you WON'T WANT TO MISS!  Also, yesterday's Raw was the highest-rated in the last 3 years, with over FIVE MILLION viewers!  It was a great show.
# 39
Go watch it.

# 40
# 41
if they patch it out and send out an apology acknowledging the harmfulness of attitudes like that and explaining why it is serious and effects people's safety, they could have a possible positive impact on awareness of the issue. But more likely all the idiots who think its not an issue are not going to change their minds or like develop empathy or whatever???

Plus they probably won't patch it for the fear of losing their main target audience (and thus, sales), which intersects heavily with GG supporters

You're reaching

You have to reach to win.
# 42
my twitter feed is blowing up with terminator wrestling images

this must be good

It's great.  One of the wrestlers entered in terminator gear with full audiovidual effects.  Another wrestler entered riding a tank and protected by the Russian army.
# 43
This was one of the first movies I watched in theaters.  I remember it fondly.  As always, you have made a GREAT choice, Steev.
# 44
Gaming / Mortal Kombat X
29-03-2015, 00:52:31 AM
I'm hype, but I hope the online doesn't suck on the PC like it did with 9.
# 45
And don't forget that just the other day Brock Lesnar re-signed with the WWE and announced that he had retired from the fake "sport " MMA/UFC.  He made the right choice.

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