My old game works fine but it has no music and the sfx sucks ass
After doing some black magic at the best of my abilities I've managed to make "Need for Speed 2 Special Edition" playable with no more endless loading screens and poo poo but the sound is a little glitchy and the worst part is that there is no music at all. I've read something about using cmd and blablabla and something about affinity but it didn't work. I know you guys love old roguelikes, you must have the answer!!!
Also it doesn't play videos, it just skips them as soon as it "loads" them but the files exist.
try this my friend
Wait a moment, there's no "nfs2se.exe". Only "nfs2sea.exe" and "nfs2sen.exe". Don't ask why they have 2 but I bet it's the first one.
Also I have no idea how to use that thing but it should do the job, thanks a lot steev 
It turned out that my game was ripped but thanks to your aport I was able to create the ultimate Frankenstein, my game is now 200% enjoyable! Thank you again steev
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