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Messages - Joe
# 1
Can’t wait until I’m literally 50 years old, still occasionally stopping by this site to say hello
# 2
I miss the old days, bros
# 3
Discord invite ?? :)
# 4

I check in every 6 months or so to see if anything drastic has changed. Nothing ever does.
# 5
Duly noted
# 6
Do you guys stand up to wipe or do you reach around while sitting?
# 7
Well good I am glad we got these things cleared up!
# 8
Sadly I only really remember Baja Blast well enough to actually discuss its taste.
I drink almost exclusively water, but when I go to Taco Bell I always get Baja Blast. It's light, limey, but not overly sour and not overbearingly sweet. It also complements everything on Taco Bell's deliciously processed and devilishly unhealthy menu in the best ways possible. It's like a breath of sweet fresh air that you gulp down after making sweaty pig-love to a burrito with your face.
I only remember every other Dew as being slightly different shades of the same syrupy depression that always gave me acne if I drank too much of it.
I drink almost exclusively water, but when I go to Taco Bell I always get Baja Blast. It's light, limey, but not overly sour and not overbearingly sweet. It also complements everything on Taco Bell's deliciously processed and devilishly unhealthy menu in the best ways possible. It's like a breath of sweet fresh air that you gulp down after making sweaty pig-love to a burrito with your face.
I only remember every other Dew as being slightly different shades of the same syrupy depression that always gave me acne if I drank too much of it.
# 9
I didn't see a topic about it and if there is one then our topics will just battle to the death.
Will this movie be good? Will it manage to be worse than the prequels? Are you one of the special snowflakes who got angry about the cross-lightsaber design? Does Daisy Ridley actual have fetal alcohol syndrome, or does she just look kind of funny? These are the burning questions at the front of the Star Wars universe
Will this movie be good? Will it manage to be worse than the prequels? Are you one of the special snowflakes who got angry about the cross-lightsaber design? Does Daisy Ridley actual have fetal alcohol syndrome, or does she just look kind of funny? These are the burning questions at the front of the Star Wars universe
# 10
Baja Blast > VOLTAGE > Throwback (cane sugar) > Original > Code Red > White out
# 11
I've tried multiple places and haven't found ANY :/
# 12
I've not heard of this at all but I will check whenever I get gas or something. I'll report back dutifully
# 13
More like DOUCHE-ine, right?
# 14
# 15
So what happens if you play with yourself