YOUREWINNER.COM Vegan/Vegetarian discussion circle
#16 15-04-2014, 16:21:18 PM
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#17 15-04-2014, 16:38:20 PM
myth busted

lana_chan my name is erin
#18 15-04-2014, 16:51:13 PM
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Almonds, pecans, walnuts and cashews = brain food.

So are blueberries, blackberries and raspberries.

#19 15-04-2014, 16:56:28 PM
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mo wonder i've lost so much weight on the coors diet!

#20 15-04-2014, 16:59:03 PM
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mo wonder i've lost so much weight on the coors diet!

Just drink twice as much.

#21 16-04-2014, 09:27:42 AM
I've been eating carrots between meals lately, not even peeling them because they are certified organic so I'm not worried about chemical residue in the skin. I'm not sure why we even peel carrots otherwise. Are peels bitter?

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#22 16-04-2014, 16:52:39 PM
I like making vegetable stir-fry with tofu and experimenting with sauces to use in them

#23 17-04-2014, 19:56:04 PM
hey guys i just ate a pear and blue cheese pizza

#24 17-04-2014, 20:56:23 PM
I saw this car today

#25 18-04-2014, 17:23:54 PM
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hey guys i just ate a pear and blue cheese pizza

Hey guys i just ate a hamburger

#26 18-04-2014, 17:55:15 PM
I saw this car today

i saw a car the other day with a "Don't Tread On Me" license plates and bumper stickers about fluoridated water being poison and advertising Infowars. it was not a very good car.

#27 19-04-2014, 00:00:59 AM
hey guys i just ate a pear and blue cheese pizza

Hey guys i just ate a hamburger

Are you gay?

#28 19-04-2014, 12:14:21 PM
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Hey guys i just ate a hamburger

Oh, that's why you got muted.

#29 19-04-2014, 14:27:46 PM
Having a Dr. Pepper to drink and a bar of GMO free vegan fair trade organic certified ethical all in one Dr. Bronner's tea tree oil soap to eat for lunch today. Not as good as the almond soap but its ok.  :uk:

#30 19-04-2014, 23:26:38 PM
How do these soaps compare to yucca? How do you prepare yucca? I was talking to a bison rancher today about how bison eat yucca, but also how it is NDN soap and he was upset because none grew in his area. It was a good talk. He braids his beard and wears overalls, but is a cap, not a hat.

I had red wine and tore off a few bits of a chocolate, bing cherry boule for supper. I'm pretty sure this qualifies as a vegan meal. :belair:

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