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Messages - Beer w/Straw
Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 77
# 31
Social/Off-Topic / atheist images...
16-03-2014, 21:16:17 PM
# 32
Social/Off-Topic / atheist images...
16-03-2014, 18:04:28 PM

# 33
Social/Off-Topic / atheist images...
16-03-2014, 08:11:48 AM
These may be a little too audacious.

# 34
Ask Board / Yes, I pee in the shower
16-03-2014, 02:14:19 AM
I'm peeing right now!
# 35
Social/Off-Topic / Hey
15-03-2014, 23:43:16 PM
# 36
Ask Board / What's your favourite song?
15-03-2014, 23:31:36 PM

That's OK.

I have already forgiven myself.
# 37
Ask Board / What's your favourite song?
15-03-2014, 23:04:25 PM
My favorite song is this right now.

And I'm listening to this at the moment.

# 38
Social/Off-Topic / Hello
15-03-2014, 22:57:09 PM
Thank you Bob.

At a depressing moment your post made me laugh.

# 39
hi you can also ask me wrestling questions

OK. Is Brock Lesner your favorite wrestler?
# 40
hi you can ask me wrestling questions

Excluding Brock Lesner, who is you favorite wrestler and why?
# 41
Ask WOTR / Is this even alive?
10-03-2014, 22:58:00 PM
I will archive this board when I get to a machine I can do real work on not this damn scroogle device


When will that be so I can start asking you questions.

Like: Do you pee in the shower?
# 42
WINNER Help / Dog food tacos
10-03-2014, 08:20:45 AM
I opened up a can of fancy feast cat food and it smelled pretty good.

I wonder how nutritious it is.
# 43
hey steev, try to be kind to those of us who couldnt comprehend portals' super hard puzzles

I personally gave up on finding the enemy flag.

But I found true love and cake.
# 44
Social/Off-Topic / Is this site WINNER?
09-03-2014, 21:26:18 PM
And wow I can get easily distracted.

But I still know what I don't like.

# 45
Social/Off-Topic / Is this site WINNER?
09-03-2014, 14:12:24 PM
I think it's an advertisement for his games on Newgrounds and a site to sell the soundtracks. Alongside a self indulgent ego trip with a sappy forum niche. 

An administrator or moderator posting like that is not my cup of tea.

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