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Messages - Cirus
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# 16486
Social/Off-Topic / Re: I'm Klayotic...
16-08-2007, 21:59:28 PM
sup klayotic
# 16487
Social/Off-Topic / Re: I'm Klayotic...
16-08-2007, 21:56:32 PM
sup supera
# 16488
Social/Off-Topic / ATTN: ALL PEOPLE
16-08-2007, 21:55:54 PM
# 16489
anthonysiffredi was responsible for many things in our history.

Melissa wasn't.
# 16490
# 16491
# 16492
Gaming / Re: Shoot em' ups
15-08-2007, 14:16:01 PM
Metal Slug series, Super Smash TV, Contra series

Wrong genre.
# 16493
Social/Off-Topic / Epic youtube essay
15-08-2007, 01:15:29 AM
Some idiot decided to send me a 5-part message regarding

Holy poo pooe, usually we normal people simply ignore all those gay, whiny, over emotional, insecure, suicidal, depressed, lonely, stupid, “daddy beat me so that’s why im fetched up” loser, just plain ugly and weird emo freaks…..but jesus Christ! Little miss righteous here thinks its sooooo great being one…..why? what does it mean to be emo? Ur not happy! Ur not cool! What are u?……depressed (for no reason)…….what the unicorn do emo fetchs have to be depressed about? The lot of them should try living in a third world country, the bunch of pussies…(poor kids couldn’t even afford the ugly-ass hair streaks, or multiple weird piercings all over the bodies that emo kids’ warped minds find “cool”)….maybe if those freaks woudnt waste all their money on razor blades and bandaids theyd have some time and money to go out and make some FRIENDS!…..jesus, get a clue! No ones out to GET u (or kill u—u guys often do that urselves, u pathetic whiners)……this bitch claims emo will be bigger than rock and punk stuff like that…..HA!…. sorry, but there are more people in this world (including Canada, bitch) that are more happy people ENJOYING life, rather than whining in self-pity while oozing gallons of blood by cutting…..

emo bigger than rock? Hmm, lets see now: My chemical Romance vs. the beatles, led zeppelin, the who, the rolling stones, queen, the chili peppers, etc…….tisk tisk, u have much to learn about musical taste—obviously, emos have none…… “we’re not pissing anyone off”…..well, u must be pissing someone off for FOX to do a special on how emos are becoming a PROBLEM……this girl puts Canada to shame….. “ur all getting mad because we’re something u can never be”…..what? if I wanted to be emo, all id have to do is 1.) dress in black clothes 2.) listen to poo pooty whiny music 3.) comb my hair across my forehead and add a green stripe 4.) add like a sad, lonely little whiny bitch so that someone will please notice me…… “I don’t unicorning care what u think!”….if u don’t care why are publishing a ten minute monologue of pro-emo bullpoo poo that wouldn’t convince even a 2 year old that being emo is nice?……..u see, no one is ever going to hit an emo kid because everyone’s too afraid that death would result from lack of blood in the system…….ur pissed about emos getting bullied? News flash bitch, emos are not the only group in society to ever get picked on…..hello-- slavery, anti-semitism, bigotry, the list goes on……3 of ur friends committed suicide eh? Hmmmm, they wouldn’t have been emo would they? Ur clearly hanging around with the wrong crowd if u like to be around depressed suicidal losers…..this girl mentioned “cutting” as a way of releasing anger and emotions….well, u see, most people release anger in NORMAL non-lethal ways…for example—talking to friends, going for a run, getting a hobby, getting a punching bag……..we don’t hate emo kids because we’re afraid of them becoming stronger than us…..

we hate them because they are an eyesore on society….who wants to see a depressed crying person when u go to school in the morning? Who wants to listen to screamo music—its just loud noise, no talent required…who wants to hear another emo kid complain about how tough their life is whle people starve to death in other places of the world?……..this girl says that emos hate society and therefore society should change for them---yet, we normal people hate emo kids and she claims that we should LIVE WITH IT……kind of hypocritical…….she should really think her arguments through before going on a 10min shpeel…..can u imagine a world made entirely of emo? Kinda scary really….mass suicides, nother getting accomplished, everyone’s a recluse… least the razor blade companies would be doing quite well…….it is not a hate crime to hate emos…..emo is a fad, not a race, not a skin colour, not a gender…’s a way to act, and a stupid one at that…. You know what, I’m a VERY happy person, and you know what, I have bad days… and when I have a bad day, I DEAL with it, by talking (not dwelling on it)…..she talks about not hating each other…well, step one in a loving world is to not hate urself, EMO!!…..emos are so self-pitying….they believe that they are society’s victims, that everyone is out to get them…..not really, if they so blatantly obviously retarded, the rest of us could cope with them…..but its difficult to cope with SOB STORIES like this girl’s….not to mention the lack of style that makes the 80’s look normal…..jeeesh……

this girl is so upset at other emos getting hurt….remember, white kids, black kids, gay kids, straight kids, guys, girls all get hurt everyday—NOT JUST EMOS!!…hell my buddy was born with a faulty intestine and was in surgery for 4 years and is still not 100% healthy….but u wont find a happier guy….if anyone deserved to be depressed, it was him, and yet emos are sad about: what exactly? I don’t even know!…I really don’t….it boggles the noggin….. “why cant u all be normal people?”….look in the mirror sister…..God did not intend for people to be depressed! Life is supposed to be full of joy, and yes, there ARE bumps in the road but overcoming these bumps is what life’s all about—it makes u stronger, happier, a better person…… “it’s easy to hate but its even easier to love”…..well then, take ur own advice and start loving life instead of cursing it for bringing u into this world of sadness…..the world is what u make of it…..if emos decide to starve their souls of happiness by acting depressed, that’s ok…..but don’t scream for attention, and don’t make 10min monologues, and no one will have a problem with leaving u alone! Hell, I wouldn’t be writing this if it weren’t so easy to rip apart this girl’s weak argument…….we all know that emo kids can be nice, can be generous, but its people like this girl that makes us dislike them in general….the emo movement is getting stronger for one reason: its easier to be a whiny little pussy than to fight through life’s issues and come out stronger….this girl wishes for emos to be included into society….well, then they should quit segregating themselves….quit pushing away….does a normal person commit suicide or at least wish they were dead?….

.dammit, I’ve heard of cancer patients on their deathbed with more Christmas cheer than u! bleh…….well, in conclusion, I was overjoyed when writing this little response….my friends and I had a good laugh while we mulled over the fact that while we are out enjoying happy lives, u and ur kind are wallowing in self-pity and pathetic sadness over all the hate in the world…..none of us hate u….we just don’t like ur way of getting attention as well as the tendencies to cut (think about urself and what would happen to ur family if u had an accident)…..this was quite fun to write…..i hope u respond… ..maybe if u do, u wont burst into tears while repeating over and over the same LAME, WARMED-OVER, WEAK points u made in a fruitless effort to sway my perception of the emo fad (yes, fad, just like pokemon, pogs, yo-yos, hippies, the KKK, the Black Panthers, etc.)….good day!

tl;dr of course, and the fact that it's so horribly written is even less reason to read it.  The fact that he actually took the time to write it is astonishing enough.
# 16494
# 16495
Gaming / Re: Shoot em' ups
15-08-2007, 00:30:40 AM
Psyvariar 2, Border Down, Ikaruga, Trigger Heart Exelica, Under Defeat, Raiden series, Zero Wing, Gradius, and a bunch of others I can't recall.
# 16496
The dog with the mohawk.
# 16497
The Mr. T cartoon focuses too much on worthless things such as the children in the show.
# 16498
Social/Off-Topic / Re: POSTING FROM NEW PC
14-08-2007, 19:40:12 PM
75 degrees is way too hot.
# 16499
2. Program like Outlook
3. I can forward it to another address
# 16500
Gaming / Re: SSBB looks awesome.
13-08-2007, 23:10:11 PM
I must be the only person in the world that doesn't care about this game.
I thought you were looking forward to SSBB too?

Or at least saying that it looked alright.

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