In the Mouth of Madness
10-05-2013, 18:32:50 PM
Didn't feel like enough things happened in the movie but I like lovecraftian stuff.
10-05-2013, 19:55:10 PM
I have never even heard of this movie !!
10-05-2013, 20:15:30 PM
Until the other day neither had I.
10-05-2013, 22:38:04 PM
Apparently Guillermo del Toro was going to make At the Mountains of Madness but couldn't get funding so is making Robots Beat Up Monsters movie 1539 AKA Pacific Rim
12-05-2013, 02:01:26 AM
this topic keeps making me think of this immortal song
08-04-2018, 18:34:40 PM
On reflection this movie is actually an 8/10 for me.
09-04-2018, 14:09:48 PM
Thanks for the update, Brusher of Cats
09-04-2018, 22:07:34 PM
How much of those 5 years were spent reflecting
09-04-2018, 22:54:06 PM
Most of them really.
22-04-2018, 00:35:22 AM
in 10 years it will be 10/10
20-08-2024, 23:15:13 PM
22-08-2024, 13:13:20 PM
aaaaalmost there