What I encountered this past February...
#1 19-03-2014, 15:38:15 PM
I was at this pizza store in Manhattan with another "friend" or acquaintance who looks south american, which goes by the name of "NYC Fried Chicken Corporation", last February and a rather unexpected yet hilarious event occurred:

A crazy black guy was asking me for spare money to get pizza and fried chicken, but i told him that i didn't have money (and he replied "that's okay") but soon after my "friend" told him to leave me alone or something and then the black guy was like "why you speaking up for him? he your boyfriend or something?" and then pestering him and the pizza store owners (whom happened to be muslim/middle-eastern) started telling the black guy to stop bothering "his customers" (which is us) and the black guy started to make racial jives at their muslim origin and culture by stating "you know your country don't like homosexuals right?" and even threatened to "get the immigration rally/council" on him and a fight starts and escalates.

i just tried to remain as calm and still as possible while eating my pizza and i managed to record only a minute of this incident (since my smartphone ran out of space unfortunately at the time) and had to get out for safety reasons and finish my pizza on the walk out.

here's the video and read the description for a bit more details as to what happened:

#2 19-03-2014, 15:52:10 PM
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(since my smartphone ran out of space unfortunately at the time)


#3 19-03-2014, 15:57:06 PM
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Actually I kind of like where it ended. BREAK MY FACE NIGGA

Anyway, glad you're okay

#4 19-03-2014, 16:02:04 PM
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Whoa February is black history month and that is a great piece of black history you've captured there. You should put it on worldstar

Bob Cobra
#5 19-03-2014, 16:03:49 PM
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Dear Klayotic,

I carnt seem to play the video.

Thank you.

#6 19-03-2014, 16:04:40 PM
Dear Klayotic,

I carnt seem to play the video.

Thank you.

here's the link you can use: <> (remove "<" and ">")

#7 19-03-2014, 16:05:51 PM
That is not a link.

I know, i'm sorry, it just happened to post in a video, i edited my post and now you can copy and past the link, just remove the brackets first.

#8 19-03-2014, 16:09:27 PM
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you can wrap the video in the url tag if you don't want it to embed

Bob Cobra
#9 19-03-2014, 16:10:52 PM
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Thank you for posting the link. I found the video very entertaining. I enjoyed the repeated requests of "break my face upstanding African-American member of society" and insults such as "non-heterosexual persongot ass upstanding African-American member of society". In the late 1980s, I remember witnessing a fight between a black man and a Mexican man. The Mexican man was the one whose face was broken in the end.

Bob Cobra

#10 19-03-2014, 16:18:38 PM
^ I'm pretty glad you enjoyed, Bob Cobra (if i can remember who you were).

Yeah I only wish I could have recorded the whole thing if my smartphone hadn't run out of memory. And i had to be careful not to let the black guy see me or he'd steal/break my smartphone and possibly worse get angry with me and hit me or something. And I was in a very tight space, so all I could do was otherwise ignore and continue eating my two cheese pizza slices I got for a dollar each.

I told my "friend" that next Tuesday we should try and go back to that same pizza store (which is several blocks away from Times Square) and ask the pizza store owners about what happened after we left out of our curiosity. 

Bob Cobra
#11 19-03-2014, 16:25:17 PM
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You were lucky to get pizza for a dollar. These days, food can be very expensive.

I think that asking what happened would be pointless since you would not actually have the event on film in its whole. Rather, you should make a documentary film that exploits the emotional and animalistic nature of the black man.

#12 19-03-2014, 17:13:16 PM
well it was cheese pizza and i only passed by the store after i left a movie theatre to see if I had enough money to see Robocop and got a beef empanada on my way out and having little more than two dollars left, i went to the pizza store to get those two slices, even they weren't the best.

I still want to ask the store owners, because i'm curious and I felt like knowing what happened with the guy. And only by rewatching my vid several times today could I understand some of what the middle-eastern guys were saying that I didn't previously get, since the black guy's voice was much louder and drowning it out. As with every store, there should be a serviellance camera that has recorded the whole incident, but I am not sure if it has all the sound in it (if it does, that would have been fantastic).

I am personally not too sure if I should make such a documentary film, as it will only anger and upset more black viewers who are watching this and it can be a very racial and sensitive thing. Besides, it will take too much time and research.

#13 19-03-2014, 20:16:38 PM
awww no responses from other people? :(

#14 20-03-2014, 02:33:19 AM
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Sounds scary, I will be sure to watch the video ASAP

bjorno the hedgehog
#15 20-03-2014, 04:27:53 AM
calling him a "black guy" is probably pretty racist tbh

 cheers m8
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